
Window Adhesive Privacy films: Effective Privacy Solution

Why Does Your Office Needs Window Adhesive Privacy ASAP?

In today’s world, there is no compromise on confidentiality and security. It is a must for every office. However, maintaining secrecy at all levels can be a challenging task especially with window adhesive privacy films. After all, modern and sleek offices require sophisticated technology.

If you are new to the technology, you must be wondering what is privacy window film? What role does it play in office privacy, and why should you invest in it? All of these questions hold great importance. We understand your reluctance.

Therefore, in this blog post, we will be addressing each of the above questions in detail. By the end of the article, we would know exactly what a privacy film is and it is the need of the hour for your office.

So, without any further delay, let us get started!

Learn more about Switchable Privacy Glass.

What is Window Adhesive Privacy Film?

A window adhesive privacy film is also referred to as a discretion film. The use of this amazing film is not limited to windows. However, most of the time people limit it. It is basically a decorative glass film that you can apply to any glass or acrylic surface.

For instance, you can easily apply this to any glass panels you have in your office or to doors. Regardless, where you apply these films, the main purpose is to offer privacy. It is something they do without any effort.

These films use smart technology where they let you control the level of concealment that you want. They would let the required light to penetrate. However, at the same time, they would not allow people outside to see what is going inside.

Window Adhesive Privacy

Smart Interior

In addition to offering complete privacy, the films are also extremely pleasing to the eye. They have subtle, yet eye-catching designs. They would add more to the overall aesthetic sense of your office. The films would make them look elegant, smart, and decent.

After all, offices are not about flashy colors. On the contrary, you would need to go with something sober. Adhesive films would offer exactly that. So, incorporate these films into your offices and transform them into something great.

Here, we have listed the top reason for you use the adhesive film in your office.

Data Privacy Protection

It is every office’s top priority to protect their data. They would never want an unauthorized person to access their data. So, the question here is how can these privacy films help in protecting the data?

Simple, modern offices use glass partitions instead of walls or cardboards for partition. Although, these glass partitions look great. They give the office a sleek and sophisticated look, but at the same time, the create discretion issues.

Since all employees work on screen, and anyone can see those screens. This results in data privacy issues eventually. However, this can be prevented to a great extent. With glass partitions, it is not possible to limit the access of your screen from the onlookers.

However, if you paste the window adhesive privacy films onto these partitions, you will still maintain the modern look while ensuring privacy. Yes, you heard us right. The films would ensure that no one from the outside is able to see what is going on inside.

In case, you are not a design fan, you can go with plan window adhesive privacy films.

Glass Stairs Protection

These days, more and more offices are incorporating glass stairs. Why shouldn’t they? These stairs look extremely smart. They add a contemporary look to your overall office. More and more offices are becoming a fan of these stairs.

Despite looking extremely smart, these stairs have some serious confidentiality issues. You must be wondering; how can stairs have secrecy issues. There are no computers to peep on, then what can be the problem?

A company that had incorporated the glass stairs reported having some serious issues such as the people below were gained access to viewing upskirts. This creates an extremely embarrassing and awkward situation.

This can be troublesome, however, with adhesive privacy films. It is no longer a problem. You can retain your sleek look of glass stairs that will ensure complete secrecy to anyone walking on them.

Ceiling Projection

You will be surprised to know that data theft can take place from the ceiling above. Yes, you heard us right. People can actually steal your data from atop especially since more and more offices are incorporating glass ceilings.

Here is a horror story, a company had a special room that they used for highly-confidential projects. To make the interior of the room appealing, it had a glass ceiling. Once, while working an employee noticed that a drone was taking pictures.

This led to some serious consequences as the company’s extremely important information was always discussed in that particular room. So, instead of getting the entire ceiling replaced, they opted for a better solution: Window Adhesive Privacy Films.

Installing the film onto the ceiling ensured that no one was ever able to steal data while letting the sunlight pour in.

Privacy of the Employees

Another thing that a company needs to ensure is employee privacy. After all, employees have the right to privacy. We agree that glass wall partitions look nice. However, people within these partitions might feel like fishes in a tank.

They would have to be careful of every move they make. Their every gesture would be open to the public. Something, that the office needs to avoid. Making the employees uncomfortable would never ensure their 100 percent.

They would not be extremely productive as their mind would not be at ease. Getting rid of all your glass partitions is not an ideal solution. On the contrary, you should use the window adhesive privacy film. This would ensure that you get the best of both worlds.

In addition to retaining your sleek look, you would also be able to offer privacy to the employees.

Minimizing Distraction via Window Adhesive Privacy

When everyone can see what everybody is doing, this would cause distraction. Even if they are fully focused on their job, they are bound to get distracted by a certain gesture or something else at one point or the other.

To ensure employee productivity, you would have to ensure privacy to a certain extent. So, when you isolate the employees to a certain extent, you are not only offering them privacy but at the same time, eliminating distractions.

Thus, allowing them to remain focused on their job.

Window Adhesive Privacy suppliers in China

Window Adhesive Privacy: Why Choose Us

Windows adhesive privacy films would ensure complete concealment at all levels. Their flexibility makes it possible for you to install them onto glass ceilings, glass stairs, or glass partitions present in your office.

Once, they are there, they offer effective secrecy solutions. Glass comes with the risk of data or privacy breach. However, using glass films tend to solve your issue effectively. What more is that this solution is extremely cost-effective.

Offices around the globe have been investing in these solutions for some time now. Their usage is not limited to offices. On the contrary, they have become famous across a number of industries. Now people even use them for their personal uses.

They have become imperative for houses that have front glass doors and windows. Installing these films would not compromise on the view outside. At the same time, it would ensure the discretion of the people living inside the house.

Of course, no one wants that people walking on the road should have a clear view of what is inside the house. In addition to being a privacy breach, this can cause some serious security issues.

If you are searching for window adhesive privacy films for your home, office, or any other place, reach out to us today. We have a wide variety of films that would resolve all your confidentiality is a problem effectively. Our affordable, easy to install films to ensure discretion.


PDLC Film Suppliers: Things That You Need To Know

PDLC Film Suppliers: Working of PDLC Technology

The demand for sophisticated and smart solutions has become the need for today’s office designs. Companies now need to reach out to suppliers that offer more than just a sleek interior. For instance, the PDLC film suppliers.

Now you must be wondering what a PDLC Film is right? If that is the case, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about PDLC technology as well as its working. Once, you understand what the technology is and what it offers, you would instantly want to upgrade your workplace.

Introduction PDLC Film

Polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) is also known as Smart Glass. It falls under the category of thermally, photonically, and electrically activated technologies. In addition to the PDLC film, this technology also incorporates the Thermotropic, Photochromic, Thermochromic, Electrochromic, suspended particle devices among others.

The basis of the PDLC technology came in the 1980s. Two independent entities in the United States of America were the mastermind behind this amazing technology. In 1984, the J.L. Fergason invented the fist micro-emulsion method. It was patented on his name.

Then later, in 1987, the patent rights were given to the Raychem Corporation. Then in 1987, the spin of Raychem Corporation, Taliq, started commercializing the technology. They named it the “Nematic Curvilinear Aligned Phase.

By 1995, the company had out-licensed its NCAP technology to 3 million, Saint Gobain, and Nippon Sheet Glass. Then later the Kent State University and some others came up with the phase separation techniques.

Since they were a big success, they gradually became the main subject of a number of ongoing industrial developments and academic literature.

The evolution of PDLC technology did face a number of ups and downs. Nonetheless, it now has become an amazing technology.

PDLC Film Suppliers

Working of PDLC Technology

If you plan to give a wow effect to the interior of your office, then we suggest using the Electrically switchable glass partitions. The adaptable technology, PDLC, has the capacity to transform anything open space into something private.

What more is that it lets you choose the level of privacy. You can dim the feature as per your need. Thus, making it highly effective in agile environments. For instance, environments that incorporate flexible doors would benefit from it the most.

To use this amazing, smart technology, you would need a sound electric current, but we believe that is not a problem at all. You can effortlessly turn on or off the smart glass after you plug in the electricity. When you apply a low voltage, the state becomes ON.

In the ON state, the molecules align together to ensure that the light is able to pass right through it. Thus, making the glass transparent. The moment you turn off the power, the LC molecules would scatter randomly.

The scattering of the molecules would prevent light penetration. It would break the light passage and turn the glass opaque again.  The great thing about this technology is that it controls the light passes through it.

Zero Impact on the Visible Light

Thus, it had no effect on visible light transmission. Something that was missing in the Suspended Particle Devices technology. Therefore, the entire room would not lose the natural light. On the contrary, the people on the inside would not be seen from the outside.

Due to this very reason, in the market, people generally refer to this as the privacy glass. There is no denying that PDLC is a clear advantage over its competitors. It provides complete privacy while ensuring the pathway of the natural light.

We understand that no one would like to have a dark meeting room, but they would want a private one. In this case, there is nothing better than incorporating PDLC films into your office.

Now that you know what is PDLC film technology, it is time to focus on its advantages and applications. Here are the advantages that the PDLC film suppliers offer.


First and foremost, we live in a modern and convenient world. Therefore, we are always in search of technology that offers more than its basic purpose. The sophisticated PDLC film offers exactly that. The amazing switchable technology offers you the option to choose from multiple effects.

It can go from milky white to complete opaque.


One thing that the PDLC film suppliers guarantee is security. After all, the laminated glass technology is promoting the security and the safety of the smart glass. So, in case, there is a mishap and the glass impacted with a hit or a gun, the people inside are safe from the broken glass.

The 2 layers of the PET film on the glass would ensure that no one gets injured due to the broken glass.

Fire Resistance

It would make the wall of your offices robust even when there is a fire going on. Yes, you heard us right. Applying these films to your glass windows or glass walls would make them strong and robust. They have the ability to work in temperature between -20 C to 70 C.

The smart glass has the ability to last for about 38 minutes even in the blazing fire. Does that add the “WOW” factor now?

Environmentally Friendly

With global warming taking up the international platforms and industries struggling to go green. How is it possible that something as great as the PDLC film would ensure the protection of the environment?

These films are extremely environment friendly. Thus, they are not becoming the top choice for people who would want to see the world a better place, while enjoying the perks of modern technology.

Energy Saving

What more is that the films would allow energy saving. What is does it blocks around
98% of the UV light, 90% of the IR light, thus reducing the heat inside the office. This lets people enjoy the sunlight without heating entering their office.

So, the electric bills are cut down. As less heat means, less working of the air conditions, etc.

Sound Insulation using PDLC Film Suppliers

PDLC film suppliers offer privacy in every possible way. In addition, to offer visual privacy, it also acts as an excellent sound insulator. It tends to damp the noise from outside and prevents the noise from inside to spread outside.

Controlling Methods

When it comes to controlling the PDLC film, the options are endless. For instance, you can control it via an ON or OFF switch. You also have the option of voice control. To take things a step further, you can enjoy light controls or temperature control.

What more is that it is possible to connect it to the Wi-Fi and operate it from your mobile phone. Simply, download the app and let the film be at your beck and call.

Choosing PDLC Film Suppliers


Now that you have a basic understanding of what a PDLC film is and its working, what is next?  You now need to choose a supplier that can offer a high-quality PDLC film. A supplier, who has been in business long enough to comprehend your requirements correctly, and then deliver a film that would fulfill all your requirement.

We are among the leading film suppliers and have years of experience. Thus, we can provide you with the PDLC film for all types of locations, may it be your home or it may be your office. We deal in both commercials as well as domestic films.

PDLC Film Suppliers and manufacturers

After all, our objective is to please consumers in the best possible way. Offer them value against their money. With these films, you will enjoy complete privacy whenever and wherever you want. With just a flick of a switch or a voice command, you will be able to turn it on and off.

The switch-ability factor adds a lot of its appeal. It makes it the technology of today that comes with a sleek look, yet it offers feasibility and convenience.


How Adhesive Privacy Film Can Help Post COVID 19 2020

Post Covid19: Why Incorporate Adhesive Privacy Film in your Workplace

The Covid19 has turned the world upside down, at least for some time. What was once considered normal now has a whole different meaning. The spread has an impact on every individual, industry, and business. The good news is that this isn’t permanent. Once this is over, revising your office plans would be imperative, you might just have to add Adhesive Privacy Film in your workplace.

For those who already have it, they might have to make minor or major changes to it. We understand that returning to your workplace after COVIDE would not be the same. It would be like returning to an entirely new place.

It is the top priority of every workplace to keep its employees healthy during the transition. While you are working on the reevaluation of your office design and procedures on how to improve office safety, we recommend signage.

It can be a powerful tool to make people aware of the new changes in the workplace. In addition, effective communication can make the transition process seamless. However, for effective communication, we believe Email would not be sufficient this time.

You would need something more. In this blog post, we are going to talk about how signage, when combined with Adhesive privacy film, can help make things easier.

Adhesive Privacy Film

Adhesive Privacy Film and Floor Signage

Since offices were not planed with social distancing in mind. Therefore, it would be challenging to turn them into one. They have dead ends, narrow hallways, and numerous other problems. These things would force people to come in close proximity.

There is a probability of them bumping into each other. It would be extremely difficult to navigate especially when you want to maintain a 6ft distance even for the open-plan office spaces. So, to avoid this problem, and effective solutions are to create one-way traffic throughout your building.

Doing this would require to indebt analysis and routes. You would have to revisit every part of your office to make sure that you minimize close contact. You would also have to temporarily block the office sections including the extremely narrow hallways or the dead-ends.

All the places that cannot offer ensure one-directional flow needs to be closed down. Add labels to the existing and entrance of the building. This would make it easier for employees to stand in a line and wait for their turn to enter or exit.

After thorough planning, you would have to mark the directions. Thus, making it easier for the people to follow and prevent them from crossing each other in close quarters. Doing all this would ensure social distancing.

Use the Space Effectively

For starters, you would need to reconsider how you have been using the spaces previously. It is no longer possible to use hurdle rooms or other small enclosed areas for planning to meet. You might have to limit the use of certain office places while closing some others completely.

Discuss these aspects with your teams and then make the right decision to ensure social distancing. For this purpose, you would need to post signage that would indicate the occupancy limits. They would also provide information if that room is closed completely.

A bold way to put up signage is to use the adhesive privacy film present on your windows or wall. Allow the smart glass walls to direct people in the best possible way. According to the CDC guidelines, if area distance is less than 6 ft, it is highly recommended for people to wear masks.

Make sure that you clearly communicate these requirements. The team should be consistent in their response. Employees should be wearing a mask all the time.

Social Distancing

Jogging, grocery shopping, and visiting the bank are a different experience now. The regular norm is no longer normal. People are forced to maintain social distancing there. The government has ensured that people maintain social distancing in public spaces.

Now that you are planning to reopen your office, you would be facing a real challenge. After all, offices are designed for close collaboration and working together. Going against the very nature of the building architecture is going to be challenging.

In addition to the meeting rooms, and traffic flow issues, you would be facing some unique consideration. These factors would pose a threat to social distancing and it is something you are trying extremely hard to maintain.

For starters, you need to recognize that areas that are likely to host a gathering. To ensure that your employees are maintaining social distancing all the type, you would have to provide them a constant reminder.

Use signage in break rooms, or front desks. Write the message “Maintain Social Distancing” and let it hang everywhere. You can even use your smart glass technology to project your message across your office.

The constant reminder can become monotonous, but this is not something that you can take lightly.


Good hygiene is always a part of an office routine. However, now the cleaning standards have raised significantly. You would need to have more than just your regular cleaning standards. Set some effective and important business cleanliness guidelines.

Make your employees aware of these guidelines. Making them familiar is not enough. Its human nature to forget things over time. Therefore, you need to have constant reinforcement. Keep on reminding your employees regarding the guidelines.

If you do not provide them with constant reminders, there are likely to forget small, yet vital things. For instance, they might not wipe down the shared surface. Thus, resulting in the spread of the diseases. There are several other similar instances that you need to take care of.

Usage signage to remind people consistently.

Apply Adhesive Privacy Film on Glass Panels

Instead of correcting new small, isolated cabins, think of using glass panels to create them. However, people would say that glass panels would not offer privacy. Something, which is imperative in an office environment.

A good idea is to use the adhesive privacy film on the glass panels. Doing so would let the employees set their privacy levels. They will have complete control over how the privacy works within their isolated cabin.

Guideline Customization

Since the new safety protocols are here to stay for long. Therefore, we recommend that you combine them with your branding strategy. Customize the reminders. Add your brand color, company logo, font, etc., to ensure its effectiveness.

General signage would become an intrusive eyesore in your workplace in no time. The employees would start paying less heed to it. In addition, every business is unique, thus they require unique secure operating protocols.

When a company customizes their signage to enforce SOPs, they are likely to yield better and more effective results. People will take the signage more seriously and would work on implementing them.

You would also have to provide guidance or lectures to your employees on a regular basis to let them know if there are any changes or to reinstate what they have learned so far.

Adhesive Privacy Film in china

Why Choose us as Your Adhesive Privacy Film Supplier?

Since the privacy films are offering more their main purpose. They are also becoming a way to educate people. It is important that you choose the right supplier. After all, you will be investing your time, energy, and money to use these smart films in an effective and efficient manner.

SmartGlass CN has years of experience in designing and developing tailored adhesive films. We have the skills and expertise to deliver only the best and the highest quality films. Our films are designed to offer privacy, isolation, and security.

They would aid you at every step of this fight against COVID 19. Instead of using them for advertisement, you can use them for spreading awareness and information, within and outside your office space.

If you want more details, you can reach out to one of our representatives.


The Importance of Glass Projection Screen Film | China 2020

Why is the Glass Projection Screen Film Important?

Are you looking for effective solutions to transform your glass window into an HD projection screen? If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place.  We are going to tell you how to use the glass projection screen film to transform your window into projection screens.

There can be multiple reasons for transforming the glass window into a projection screen. It helps save safe, you are able to enjoy the video or presentation on a bigger screen among others. Regardless of the reason, glass projection screens are an effective solution.

In the course of this article, we are going to talk about transforming your glass into an HD projection. So, without any further delay let us get started!

Introduction to Glass Projection Screen Film

Before you get onto the “How”, let us focus on the “What”. It is important to have a basic understanding of the concept before you step down to the implementation phase. Doing so would help you make the right decision.

Glass Projection Screen Film

What is a Glass Projection Screen Film?

The glass projection film would take any piece of acrylic or clear glass and it would turn that into a projection screen. It would be like the TV surface that comes with an inbuilt adhesive for simple, yet efficient installation.

Sometimes the screen film comes in dark colors. After all, it tends to add contrast to your images and at the same time, it helps yield great results even in high ambient light conditions. There are numerous usages and advantages to screen films.

They are not becoming the new norm across industries. More and more people are recognizing their worth, thus making an investment in them. After all, they are not only allowing you to appreciate HD images but at the same time, letting your use your entire glass window in an effective manner.

You no longer need to have an additional place for projection. On the contrary, any clear glass window would do the trick. What more is that it is possible to apply them to almost anywhere. You can paste them onto sliding doors, storefronts, or glass partitions for offices.

Versatility is the key element

One of the major reasons these screen walls have become a huge success is that they offer privacy. You must be wondering how is that possible? How can a window offer projection feature offer privacy? The answer is simple, these screens come with this particular feature.

So, once you have the screen on, simply switch to the privacy screen instead of the projection one and you are good to go. Interesting right?

Stocks the Industry’s Largest Size

The usefulness and the effectiveness of the projection screen film make them the leading firms in their industry. Statistics show that they hold the major stocks of the market. It means that people around the world are using them.

To enhance their feasibility factor, manufacturers have made the shipping easier. For instance, you can actually buy cut sizes of the film instead of the entire roll. So, does this mean, you will not get an entire roll? Of course, you will get one.

The cut sizes just make it convenient to ship. In addition, sometimes the consumers do not require the entire roll. If this is the case, they will never pay for the entire roll. They would buy only what they need. So, with cut sizes, they have the freedom to buy.

They can buy as much of the screen film as they want.

Use it Creatively

Interestingly, you don’t need any specific projection angel. As long as it is a clear glass, you are can enjoy HD projection. Thus, the films offer more in terms of functionality, creativity, and installation. It will turn out to be your finest Pro displays.

What more is that you really don’t need any specific viewing angle. So, it means that you are able to enjoy your HD screen from anywhere and anytime. You are able to display your content is a stunning fashion. You will have full control over the content that you display using these screens.

Installing these screens are also extremely easy. All you need is a spray bottle, cloth, and a clear glass window. So, make sure you have all these things and you are good to go.

The versatility of the glass projection screen film is proven when you use it as a partition or a portable projection screen. It is perfect for private residences, offices, health care units, and retail. You will be able to enjoy a range of benefits.

Exploring these benefits would provide you a better idea of how effective and efficient the films are. The films are providing innovative solutions for the automobile industry. In addition, it tends to add a contemporary architectural touch to your overall space.

Advantages of Glass Projection Screen Films

Here are the top advantages of these screen films.

On-Go Projection

When you incorporate the film in the transport industry, you will be impressed by its effectiveness. Also, you can use it in the industry in numerous ways such as pasting it on private vehicles or incorporating it on public ones.

Where you apply majorly depends upon your requirement. For instance, you advertise your products via these screens. Or it is possible to sun shade all your windows. They work well with the panoramic sunroofs as well as the IR blocking capabilities.

When you advertise anything, it gets to get discretion while blocking the sun’s glares. The result is that you keep the windows transparent for a clear view. You would also see them while traveling via airplanes.

They are commonly used for airport entertainment or the in-flight ones. You can effortlessly share your message with all the people traveling via a flick of a switch. All this is possible because of the glass projection screen films.

Office Glass Partition

Gone are the days when you would need a pull-down projection screen or a separate conference room/ The modern era is more sophisticated and space-saving. Simply paste these films onto your glass partition and you can enjoy HD images as well as the privacy of a conference.

So, enjoy a room that offers a view. However, the moment you need it for projection, flick the switch and have a completely opaque film. Thus, no one would be able to see inside your room. Turn your office glass partition into an effective and high-quality projector screen.

Home Theater

The usage of glass projection screen film is not limited to offices or commercial industries. On the contrary, you can use it for your in-house entertainment. Apply these films onto your living room’s glass window and spring it to life.

These modern screens have the ability to replace your TV screens. They would be offering picture quality as well as the TV screen. After all, they are like HD projectors. These screens also work with the den windows. Turn these useless windows into HD projections screens.

An effective way to Advertise for Retailers

We understand that maintaining your retail shop’s window can be a troublesome task. However, things have become easier now. Simply, apply these screen films onto the windows and forget about cleaning them.

On the contrary, you will be able to transform them into something more than you can imagine. You once, difficult to maintain windows would now become an effective way to advertise your project. Since they offer crisp and clear screen projection, thus use them to highlight your products and services.

You can talk about your latest deals, flash sales, or seasonal sales.

Glass Projection Screen Film

Take Away

The Glass Projection screen films are the trends of tomorrow. They are revolutionizing the projection world. Instead of paying extra for projection, a projector room. You can now use your regular office partition and convert them into HD projection screens.

Apply these amazing films on them and yield effective results.


How to save energy with intelligent smart glass products?

Intelligent glass products – the future of our windows

Smart glass products

In this article we inform you about Smart glass products and privacy protection on glass. You may already be familiar with the classic privacy films. These are self-adhesive window foils for attachment to clear glass panes.

Glass inserts in windows and doors can be made opaque with a privacy screen protector. In this context, the vernacular speaks of:

  • frosted glass film
  • milky film and
  • Opaque film for windows.

Basically, this is a translucent film that prevents transparency.

What are switchable glass- Smart glass products?

Switchable glass  Smart glass products are also called “intelligent” glass due to its ability to change the light transmission at the push of a button. It is one of the so-called “functional glasses”.

One of its greatest advantages is that it can be made milky, transparent, dimming or colored using the remote control.

Large companies use dimmable windows via circuitry. For example, to avoid excessive heat or glare in the staff offices. Or as a constantly changing partition between meeting rooms and other areas. Smart glass is a purchase that is certainly not part of the standard equipment of most houses.

In offices, however, a facade that includes intelligent functional glass can be very useful. And even save air conditioning and blinds.

Intelligent film- Smart glass products


Classic privacy films are opaque and remain so. In contrast, there is the Smart glass products intelligent film. This self-adhesive window film switches from clear to opaque simply by pressing a button. Assume that a meeting room with clear glass walls is supposed to be temporarily opaque. Intelligent film is also known as switchable film. It is mainly used for privacy purposes.

Smart glass products advantages:

  • Suitable for all smooth glass panes
  • Any size is possible
  • It is attached without removing the glass pane
  • Low power consumption of 5 watts per m² per hour
  • Long service life of over 50,000 hours when switched on
  • Radio-controlled switching and dimming is possible
  • Integrated UV filter protects against premature fading
  • Ideal for use as sun protection, privacy protection and glare protection
  • Removable without residue

How do intelligent film Smart glass products work?

The clear, transparent glass elements switch to “opaque” at the beginning of the meeting. The individual Smart glass products surfaces then appear milky white and translucent. Then you simply switch the intelligent film back to clear “transparent”.
Glass elements of any size can be switched individually and separately. For example:

  • Wirelessly
  • by radio
  • manually via the light switch or
  • With intelligent smart home technology.

What is an intelligent film? Smart glass products?

Smart glass products suppliers

Intelligent Smart glass products film is a high quality, electrically conductive plastic film. This aligns the laminated liquid crystals when voltage is applied. The glass pane becomes transparent. Continuous dimming, which changes the transparency of the film, is also possible.

Variants of Smart glass products film

Smart film is in the colors white, black, blue, green, and red available. It can be used for:

  • advertising purposes
  • privacy
  • sun protection
  • Darkening on flat and curved glass panes.

That is why the black electro chromic Smart glass products are ideal for temporary sun protection. It darkens the glass surface at the push of a button and accordingly protects against intense sunlight.

In addition, all Smart glass products have one thing in common: the integrated UV filter blocks UV-A and UV-B rays. This significantly reduces the process of prematurely fading organic colors.

Smart glass products – the future of our windows

Intelligent glass, also known as switchable or smart glass, refers to glazing that can change its transparency. The energy required for this is either directed to the pane via electricity or solar radiation.

The areas of application for intelligent glass are expanding. But since the price is currently still relatively high. It can be found in the luxurious office tower rather than in the normal residential building.

Some Smart glass products protect against glaring light and sun. While others only offer privacy. Sometimes the promising technology also regulates the temperature.

The innovation for more well-being – that’s how Smart glass products work

There are three different types of intelligent glazing. Depending on the technology used to manufacture these glasses and influence their transparency:

  1. Electrochromic glass (“switchable glass”)
  2. Thermochromic glazing
  3. LC glass

Thermo- and electrochromic Smart glass products can completely regulate the incidence or the radiation of light and heat. The light transmission, especially in summer, can be reduced to 15 to 50 percent.

Electrochromic glass / switchable glass

Electrochromic discs can change their color when a voltage is applied thanks to a special, thin coating. This does not provide effective privacy protection. But these glazing are suitable as sun protection. For subdued light or for temperature control in the room.

As soon as the voltage is removed, the switchable film becomes transparent again. And the light can enter the room unhindered. When darkened, smart glass product windows usually have a bluish tint. Which is due to the coating used? In extreme heat, they reinforce the effect of a partition between the inside and the outside.

Thermochromic glazing

The color of thermochromic windows is influenced by the incident sunlight or the degree of warmth generated by them.

The glazing automatically darkens when the temperature on the glass pane reaches a certain value. This is done using a film with thermochromic substances.

If the sun hits the window, the substances in the film change color and create an effective sun protection glass. The process can also be controlled via an operator control. Sometimes even with a smartphone.

Liquid crystal Smart glass products

Liquid Crystal – or LC – is an intelligent Smart glass product that works using polymeric liquid. The difference to the other examples in the field of functional glass is that liquid crystal panes only become transparent when electricity is applied and do not lose their transparency.

This technology does not prevent UV radiation. However, the crystals scatter the incident light in such a way that a frosted glass look is created. The glasses, which consist of two float glass panes – with the crystal film in the middle -, are ideal as a privacy screen. That can be switched off at the push of a button.

Saving energy with intelligent Smart glass products

Smart glass products in china

If the lighting conditions are classified as optimal, the Smart glass product surface usually remains clear. Otherwise you can simply switch it to another state. Electrochromic Smart glass product on the building is very common.

What do Smart glass products cost?

The prices of smart glass products are currently still relatively high. In addition to the price per square meter, controls, and switches or similar must be added.

As a rule, the manufacturers create a non-binding offer. Whereby the total number of:
  • square meters
  • additional control elements
  • Assembly transport, etc. are calculated.

In the case of darkening, lower surface temperatures are measured on the pane. Which saves high costs for an air conditioning system? Electrically controllable Smart glass product prevent unnecessary electricity costs. And not only contribute to a positive energy balance, but also to a pleasant working atmosphere. In addition, the use of smart windows ensures that there are no annoying reflections on the screen.


What is the method of sticking the Adhesive privacy film?

A practical guide for the maintenance of self-adhesive window film

Adhesive privacy film

In modern society, people pay more attention to the protection of privacy. Compared with more transparent glass, people will stick it with Adhesive privacy film to protect privacy. At the same time, there is an advantage that the glass can be protected. Of course, there are more benefits.

So, do you know what is the method of sticking the Adhesive privacy film? Do you know how we should maintain the glass film? Let’s explain it below.

How to paste an Adhesive privacy film?

  1. Cutting:

When cutting the glass film, its length should be about one centimeter longer than the glass length. So as to effectively avoid the phenomenon of distortion or repeated paste.

  1. Clean the glass:

Clean the glass before attaching the glass film. And then spray some water on the cleaned glass to let it reduce the viscosity of the glass film. So that its viscosity will not be affected after drying.

  1. Remove the release film from the other side:

After removing the release film, sprinkle some water on the back of the Adhesive privacy film. Which can facilitate the subsequent construction? So that the film can be moved during the process of paving to find a suitable location.

  1. Paving:
  • Measure the size on the glass.
  • align the upper end of the glass.
  • and paste it from top to bottom.

If it is not aligned at one time, you can tear it off again and paste it. This is the benefit of the watering mentioned above.

Adhesive privacy film manufacturers

  1. Exhaust air bubbles:

scrape out the air bubbles in the Adhesive privacy film with a scraper. If the air bubbles that cannot be exhausted are pierced with a needle and smoothed out. Make it completely stick to the glass.

  1. Cut the remaining part:

After the paving is completed, use a blade to cut off the excess part.

What to pay attention to when sticking Adhesive privacy film?

  1. When attaching an Adhesive privacy film, the area of ​​the film is about 1 cm larger than that of glass. so it is more convenient to paste. In addition, in order to make the film without bubbles, you can use the cross-buckle positioning method to paste.
  2. Before sticking the film, make sure that the tool is not damaged. Because the damaged tool will scratch the glass film. After the glass film is attached, wipe with a detergent to make the glass brighter and smoother.

What are the skills of sticking Adhesive privacy film?

  1. In addition to pay attention to the method of how to stick the glass film. And the glass must be thoroughly cleaned. Spray more water during the cleaning. And then scrape it with a spatula several times, to ensure that there is no dust on the glass. Sprinkle a layer of water after cleaning.
  2. Before applying the Adhesive privacy film, spray some lubricant on it to reduce the viscosity of the adhesive layer. And then tear the protective film while applying the film. Secondly, we must determine the position of the glass and fix the film.

You can first make a cross and scrape the film from both sides. After fixing the film, use a scraper to scrape the bubbles out.

  1. After the construction of the glass film is completed, spray a little detergent on the glass. And then wipe it clean with a rag. So that the residue on the surface can be effectively removed. And the glass can be made brighter.

What is the role of sticking Adhesive privacy film?


In summer, the Adhesive privacy film can block 50% -85% of direct sunlight from entering the room. In winter, it can reduce heat loss by more than 30%. When the glass is broken, the glass film can hold the glass fragments tightly without hurting people and is very safe.

In addition, the glass film can also withstand high temperatures up to 500 ℃, effectively preventing fires.

There is a decorative film in the glass film. This decorative film can provide:

  • good natural light in the room.
  • can reduce the visibility.
  • It has rich colors and diverse styles.
  • and is well received by people.

Maintenance of glass film


  • 3 days after the glass film is attached, do not move the glass at will.
  • Do not use rigid wipers, brushes, or cloths containing sand to clean the glass film.
  • After the glass film is attached, you can’t hang the suction cup on the glass.
  • And you can’t paste stickers and other decorations on the glass.
  • You can use ammonia-free cleaning agent to clean the surface of the glass film
  • then gently dry it with a cotton cloth.
  • It can effectively remove the stains on the glass film.

Adhesive privacy film in china

  1. For the stubborn glue or viscose left on the Adhesive privacy film, you can clean it with a soft detergent. So that the viscose remaining on the glass film can be quickly and completely removed.

The above is the relevant knowledge about Adhesive privacy film, I hope it can help you.

Why the bathroom glass film?

  1. Anti-ultraviolet:

The glass film has a very good anti-ultraviolet effect. So if you give the bathroom glass film, it can greatly reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the eyes in the sun.

  1. Heat insulation:

All window films have heat insulation effect. Which can:

  • block 60% -78% of solar heat
  • filter strong light
  • make the indoor light less dazzling
  • and have no damage to human skin and furniture.
  • The temperature can be controlled.

 Generally, the indoor temperature of the window glass after the film will be reduced by about 3% -5%.

  1. Protection of privacy:

For a relatively privacy place such as the bathroom, if the bathroom glass does not use frosted glass, then we can solve it with a frosted glass film. So that we can protect our privacy.

  1. Protection:

Filming the bathroom glass can also prevent the glass from scratching. And extend the service life of the Adhesive privacy film. This is the same as the common mobile phone film.

  1. Beautify the interior:

All kinds of objects in the bathroom will make the space look from the outside to give people a feeling of different tones and chaos. Therefore, if the Adhesive privacy film is used, this kind of incoordination can be completely eliminated. And it can be harmonious with the surrounding environment.

Tips for bathroom Adhesive privacy film


Before filming:

  1. Only good results can be achieved with clean glass. First, the glass needs to be cleaned. It is best to wash the glass several times and clean it repeatedly with a spatula. The effect is to achieve dust-free, stain-free and sand-free. Then spray a layer of water.
  2. Prepare operating tools: Prepare operating tools. Such as:
  • Scraper
  • utility knife
  • Ruler
  • watering can, etc.

Note: We need to check whether the tool is flat, smooth, or notched.

During the filming process:
  1. Check the size and quantity of glass film: When buying glass film, you will generally choose a slightly larger one. And it will not appear too small when cutting. When cutting, the edge of the glass film should be aligned with the center line. The cut size is generally 5-8mm smaller than the glass size. And then the film is applied.


In recent years, in the decoration industry, there has been a wind of Adhesive privacy film. That is, filming for glass. The toilet is a relatively private place in the home. Many families choose to paste the bathroom glass. Why does the bathroom glass have a film? What role does the film have? Similarly, a number of o questions come to mind. Choosing best quality Adhesive privacy film company will bring more comfort to your life.


Does switchable privacy glass need maintenance every day?

How to identify good or bad switchable privacy glass?

switchable privacy glass

Intelligent switchable privacy glass film state

With the development of technology, using switchable privacy glass to control the house is no longer new. Thanks to this technology, our lives have become more convenient. Moreover, the technology introduced below is also related to home intelligent control. Mainly acting on the user’s transparent glass windows.

Different switchable privacy glass companies are trying hard to develop more intelligent switchable glasses for hotels and homes. In addition, this technology can make glass windows switch from transparent to opaque in seconds. Users only need to use the flip switch or through the mobile phone app to complete operating.
How to measure switchable privacy glass?
Before application, users must first measure their own windows. And the related materials are like using ordinary window film. After a few simple installation steps, users can easily control the display status of glass windows.

Generally switchable privacy glass companies offer the price of materials with a Wi-Fi-free switch activation module of about ten square feet is about $ 184. For the same size, the price of materials with a smartphone activation device is $ 234. Similarly, the relevant activation module is only a prototype. And the appearance will be improved in the future.

Obviously, by switching between the transparent and opaque states of glass, users can better protect privacy. And complete lighting control through their smartphones. In addition, opaque glass can also be used as a flexible projection wall.

Consumers who are considering adding a technological taste to their glass windows can consider starting.


In order to block the light and soft decoration, families will install curtains on the windows. But in recent years switchable privacy glass window films have also become popular.

  • The prices are cheaper.
  • And they save more space.

 Which one is better to install switchable privacy glass windows?


First look at the glass film. It has a relatively strong functionality. Furthermore, the first is that the thermal insulation effect is very good. According to the test, the thermal insulation ability can achieve the effect of a brick wall.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

And it can also block ultraviolet rays.

As everyone knows:

  • ultraviolet rays can not only blacken the skin of black people
  • but also make furniture, floors, etc. fade and aging.
  • so ultraviolet blocking is necessary.
  • and many curtains cannot achieve this effect.


When the switchable privacy glass film is attached, it is reflective from the outside. And can’t see the interior. But it can be seen from the inside. Similarly, it can protect privacy. And the general curtains are closed. Then they are closed. And if they are not dazzled, the glass film will soften the light.



Atomized glass is also known as dimming glass.

  • Electronically controlled glass
  • intelligent dimmable color-changing glass
  • electric curtains
  • and color-changing glass is an intelligent high-end functional glass.

It controls the dimming glass in the scattering state and transmission changes between transparent states.

What are the specifications of switchable privacy glass?

The maximum size of electronically controlled dimming glass can reach: 1524mm x 3200mm. Moreover, the thickness of the atomized glass is 4 + 4, 5 + 5, 6 + 6, 8 + 8. Other specifications can be customized according to the needs of the scene. Transmittance: about 75% -82%

What is the time for the atomized glass to switch states?

Generally, atomized glass is also called privacy glass. In order to protect privacy in an instant, the switching speed between the transparent and atomized state of the switchable privacy glass is within 0.2 seconds.

What are the functions of switchable privacy glass?

  1. Generally, atomized glass is often used for indoor partitions. Moreover, the effect of power-off atomization and power-on transparency can be achieved through remote control. Equivalent to “electronic curtains”.
  2. Moreover, can be used for conference projection and window projection.
  3. Atomized glass has the functions of sound insulation, heat insulation and explosion-proof. When the glass is broken by impact, the glass fragments can also be pasted on the film in the middle. And the glass fragments will not splash and hurt people.
  4. Shield ultraviolet rays, reduce radiation, and protect indoor furnishings from fading and aging due to ultraviolet rays.

Does switchable privacy glass need maintenance every day?

The daily cleaning of the atomized glass can be wiped with a wet towel or newspaper. If the stains can be wiped with a towel dipped in beer or warm vinegar, it can also be cleaned with a glass cleaner.

The dimming glass is best installed and fixed. Furthermore, random collision, away from the kitchen, stove and strong acid and alkali solution.

What are the advantages of atomized glass partitions and ordinary glass?

First, the atomized glass is transparent and energized. Moreover, the power is atomized. The effect of opening and privacy is unmatched by ordinary glass. Secondly, the sound insulation effect, explosion-proof, and ultraviolet protection of dimmable glass are far superior to ordinary glass.

The transmittance of glass is up to 83%, which is basically the same as the transparency of ordinary glass.

Is it unsafe for switchable privacy glass to have electricity? Does it consume electricity?

switchable privacy glass manufacturers

switchable privacy glass is a safety product. In addition, the conductive layer of the dimming glass is surrounded by layers of glass and film. Unless the glass is broken, the circuit will not be exposed.

Similarly, the working voltage of smart glass is: 48VAC or 65VAC. And the average energy consumption is about 5W / hour per square meter.

  • According to the power consumption is only equivalent to the power consumption of half a small incandescent lamp.
  • plus, it is mostly in a semi-working state according to the owner’s wishes.
  • Simultaneously, its power consumption is very small.
  • So, you don’t have to worry about whether smart glass will consume power.

How to identify good or bad switchable privacy glass?

See if the glass is transparent, whether there are defects such as impurities and bubbles. The poor quality of the original glass or defects in the process will cause defects. Such as impurities and bubbles in the glass.

When the switchable privacy glass is powered off, the glass is atomized. See if the atomized color is uniform. If the atomization is uneven, the process of the dimming film inside is not high. When power is on, see if the transparency effect is white.

The application field of switchable privacy glass?

Atomized glass is mainly used for:

  • building doors and windows and indoor partitions.
  • business office
  • high-end residence
  • Villa
  • Hotel
  • hospital operating room / ICU
  • Bank
  • Window
  • Museum
  • Government
  • Yacht
  • automobile, etc.

Is there a shelf life for atomized glass?

switchable privacy glass can be used normally for more than 10 years. Even longer in a stable indoor environment.

Smart dimming film, has been used in:
  1. Household
  2. Transportation
  3. Business
  4. medical and
  5. media communication and other fields

Greatly expanding the application market of glass film.


How to apply Adhesive Privacy film on your own?

Adhesive Privacy Film: What, How, When and Where

Adhesive privacy film comes in a wide range of variety. Therefore, you can choose one that suits your needs to perfection. The great thing about these films is that they are not only cost-effective but also durable.

Their popularity is due to their high-performance. Adhesive privacy window film has become a favourite of people with big windows and glass fronts. After all, these films enhance the overall modern and sophisticated look of the place.

If you are new to the term privacy film, we can understand that nothing makes sense till now. However, you need not worry. In this article, we are going to provide you with complete information on these adhesive films.

So, without any further delay, let us get started to the point.

A Complete Analysis

Adhesive Privacy Film

Introduction to Self-Adhesive Window films

Window films are a sophisticated and impressive form of technology. You can retrofit them to existing glazing. After all, these films are an excellent alternative to electronic blinders. They are the perfect solution for a number of glass-related problems including privacy, excess heat, and security.

In addition, you can add a decorative flourish to your homes or offices via adhesive vinyl film. The film features bespoke design and graphics. In addition, these films are ideal for large-scale displays for retail outlets, offices, or any other space.

Regardless, the type of adhesive film you choose, the installation process is extremely easy. Either you can go on your own, search some DIY methods, or you can reach out to professionals at Smart Glass CN. Their vastly experienced and fully qualified team would carry out the work on your behalf.

Fitting Adhesive Films to Glass

Since it is extremely easy to apply these films to your window, therefore, you really don’t need any prior experience. All you need is the free application squeegee and a couple of household items. With these things, you are good to go.

Moreover, the film would come with complete instructions printed on it. This way you will have no confusion and you will be able to apply is effortless. Nonetheless, you need to take a couple of steps to ensure the successful application of adhesive privacy window film.

Pre-requisite Steps

Before you apply the film to either your doors or your windows, you need to take a couple of steps. For starters, you should thoroughly wash the area using soap and water. You can even use a glass or a mild cleaner. However, keep on spraying and cleaning until the towels come away clean.

NOTE: A clean surface ensures the longevity of the adhesive film. So, when you place it on a clean window, it is bound to go a long way in comparison to unclean windows.

Once you have cleaned the window thoroughly, next you should use a clean squeegee to remove the fine dust. In addition, it is important to ensure that there are no residues left of both the soap or the cleaner before you start applying the film.

 Things you need to apply the Film

Before you start applying the film, we recommend that you gather all the things that you will need. After you have cut the film to the desired size, you will have to work really fast. You will not have time to look for the required things.

In case, you are going with adhesive-free window films, you will not be needing any cutting tools or sponges. However, that is not the case with adhesive films. For the adhesive-free film, you would just need a squeegee that will assist in smoothing out the bubbles and creases.

Also, no matter how careful you are, the bubbles are inevitable. Therefore, you should be prepared for them well before time. Use a spray bottle that has clean water in it along with a sponge. Make sure that your spray bottle can hold enough water to cover up all the desired areas.

You should use the sponge to clean the edges of the film also to clean up the overspray. In case, you don’t have a spray bottle, you can always use damp the sponge. However, ensure that there are no water droplets present on the door, or the window when applying the adhesive-free film.

Apply Adhesive Privacy Film

The basic steps for both of these privacy films are the same. You would have to clean the desired area as thoroughly as possible. After you have cleaned the surface, next you would need a spray bottle.

Put either plain water or mix a few drops of washing up liquid in that bottle and keep it within reach. Now start by removing the back sheet from the film. You will come face to face with the side that contains the adhesive.

Now you quickly have to coat the exposed side of the film with the solution you just created. After this, you should instantly repeat the spraying process on the window. Just make sure that you perform both these steps as smooth and as fast as possible.

Now take the film to the glass, however, do allow it to flow gently into the place. You will be able to maneuver the film into the right place due to the soapy water solution. It is really important for the correct installation of the film.

Now, it is time to use the plastic application squeegee. This would help you push out the moisture to the glass’s edge. Lastly, you would need a clean cloth. Use this cloth to mop up the remaining moisture or water.

That is, it you are done!

Adhesive-Free Vs Adhesive-Backed Films

When you spray the water before you apply the film on the glass, the film does not get clingy. On the contrary, it smoothly slides into the desired place.  Once the water starts to dry, the squeegee comes into action.

It assists in positioning the film correctly.  After the water complete dries, the film would stay put. You would not need additional maintenance. It is possible to remove and reuse the adhesive-free films.

Adhesive-back films might be slightly more complicated to apply. However, they do have the tendency to last longer. They stay put in place for a long, long time.

Things you Achieve with Window Films

The great thing about adhesive privacy film is that it has the ability to deliver a number of long-lasting, impressive, and effective solutions. You can either enjoy one-way privacy, or you want to design your window without using etched glass.

Regardless of the reason, privacy films could provide you with just the right solutions. Below is a brief summary of what you can achieve with these films.

Solar Control

Excess heat has been troublesome for both commercial as well as residential settings. With window film, you can effectively reduce heat as they not only prevent the sunlight penetration but also stop the heat to enter.

Window adhesive privacy window film is more effective in comparison to traditional curtains and electronic blinds.


You can either opt for a two-way privacy option, or you can go with a one-way day time privacy option. With one-way privacy, the exterior face of the glass would have a mirrored effect. So, even if someone tries to peek inside, all they would see is their own reflection.

The frostbite films are a great alternative for the expensive frosted glass. They provide the same look, but at an extremely low price.

Adhesive Privacy Film in China

Take away

Adhesive privacy films are the perfect solution for modern glass problems. They offer ideal privacy and ensure longevity. These films are highly effective when it comes to ensuring security while adding sophistication to your front doors and windows.

In addition, the films are extremely easy to apply and maintain. You really do not need any rocket science. However, if you are still double-minded about installing these films, you can reach out to the experienced staff of Smart Glass CN.

In addition to installing the film, they would ensure that it goes a long way. So, reach out to them any time you want.


Phone: +86 135 2889 5042


A Comprehensive Guide on Smart Privacy Film Options in 2020

What are the Best Smart Privacy Film Options Out There?

Smart Privacy Film is an imperative part of modern houses especially due to huge glass fronts and big open windows. The idea is to let a lot of sunlight in. However, these fronts and windows come with a disadvantage.

They do offer a stunning view during the day, but at night they cause a breach in your privacy. Once you turn the lights on, anyone from the outside can see what is going inside. Of course, there are traditional ways such as installing a blind or a curtain would do the trick, but it would always take away from the overall interior.

So, how to keep the look intact, yet ensure privacy? Simple, use modern technology. You can use smart tint film onto your window and enjoy adjustable privacy.  The technology is simply amazing.

In case you are wondering what exactly, is this amazing technology? Then you have come to the right place. This is a comprehensive guide on smart films and the benefits they offer.

An Inclusive Guide on Smart Films

The great thing about tint films is that you can incorporate them anywhere in your office, home, school, etc. They are not limited just to the big windows located on the outside of your house. On the contrary, they can apply them to your bedroom windows, bathroom windows, conference room doors among other places.

In addition to offering great privacy, these films allow adjustability. We will talk about more this factor below. However, for now, let us focus on what is smart privacy film?

smart Privacy Film

Introduction to Smart Films

Smart films are an excellent replacement of electronic window shades in order to ensure privacy at night and cut out strong sunlight during the day.

These products generally use AC power to adjust the light transmission between crystal clear transparency to complete opaqueness.

Initially, these films were used only to make smart glasses. However, thanks to technological advancement, modern smart films are extremely advance. They have the capability of being directly applied to existing windows.

You would just need special self-adhesive or glue to make sure that the film sticks properly to the window. These modern films offer a wide range of functionalities including security, advertising, etc.

Moreover, most film application is via polycarbonate, acrylic, or glass laminates. They mainly need 110 VAC in order to function properly. Companies are trying to come up with different installation methods. They are trying to install the films directly without the lamination.

Avoiding the lamination would save companies a lot of costs. Thus, it would reduce the overall cost of the smart privacy film drastically.

How does it work?

These smartly designed window films use electricity along with liquid crystals to prevent privacy invasion. It is possible for you to either enjoy a clear view of the outside window, or you can turn it complete opaque to ensure that no one can see inside.

In addition, these films come with an opaqueness adjustability feature. The technology it uses might seem simple, but it is really sophisticated. We can clearly see that a lot comes into action to achieve the dramatic, yet elegant style of going from clarity to opaqueness.

The film uses polymer dispersed liquid technology.  The idea is that when there is no power, the liquid crystal molecules do not have any specific order. These disordered molecules prevent light transmission. Thus, it renders the film opaque.

However, once you apply power to the fil, the liquid molecules start to form an alignment. It won’t be wrong if we say that electricity forces these molecules into alignment. With these smart films, you can create ideal privacy or enjoy complete protection from the sun via a flick of a switch.

Smart Windows Vs Smart Films

People new to this technology believe that smart windows and smart films are interchangeable concepts. However, they are extremely wrong. Both these concepts are unique in their own way. They use different technology, functionality, and much more.

When you turn to a smart window, it means that you would actually have to install an entirely new window. Of course, the window would come with built-in clever crystals. We do believe that there are some cases where this is a practical solution.

For instance, you are building a new house and you want to incorporate this technology into your windows. So, the use of smart windows here would be a healthy and profitable decision.

On the contrary, if you already have windows intact and you want to turn your old windows into a smart window. Opting for smart windows is the least feasible thing to do. Here, using smart privacy film would be a more cost-effective solution.

You would simply stick the film to your current window and relish its endless functionalities. Using films for existing windows would lower your cost drastically.

What are the Benefits of Smart Films?

Turning to these smart films offer a number of benefits. Below, we did come up with its most popular advantages.

Reduce Heat

Sometimes the sun is extremely strong and you want to block it out. These smart films would limit the prevent sunlight prevention. At the same time, they would ensure that they keep the heat at bay.

They would not allow the heat to penetrate into your rooms, thus keep its temperature under control.

Easy maintenance

When you buy smart films form the right supplier such as the Smart Glass CN, you would understand that cleaning and maintaining these films are extremely important.

A lot of dust particularly tends to accumulate in the electronic blinders, therefore, it is imperative to clean them regularly for proper functionality. Cleaning these blinds is a daunting task.

On the contrary, with smart films, you do not need that rigorous cleaning. Furthermore, all you need is some wipes to clean off the affected areas.

In addition, they offer a number of health benefits. For instance, high-quality films tend to reduce the penetration of UV rays. These rays might have an adverse effect on your health. Their lack of penetration reduces this particular risk.

Improved Privacy

When you install smart tint film, you ensure ideal and complete privacy. Of course, you can install electronic shades to have privacy, but you would have to sacrifice the mesmerizing view.

It is not something you would like to do. After all, the main purpose of those big windows and front glasses was to enjoy the beautiful view outside. In the case of a smart privacy film, you will not have to worry about that. It offers privacy without compromising the view.

User-Friendly Approach

The great thing about these products is that they are extremely easy to use and install. All you need to do is buy a piece of film and cut it as per your required dimensions. Next, you would have to add the right transformer and connector.

Once, you do all the above, you are good to go. We do agree that the self-adhesive versions are a little tricky, however, they are still a better and cost-effective installation process than getting an entirely new window.

By the by, which would cost you a lot more.  Another great thing about these films is the different operating methods. You can either have a switch, a remote, an app or even voice command.

smart Privacy Film in china

Find the Option that Suits your Needs to Perfection

Versatility is among the prominent advantages of the smart privacy film. There are a lot of products to choose from. We understand a decision as important as this requires in-depth analysis. After all, it is not like curtains that you can change every other day.

Finding the right product can be challenging, but not if you reach to the learned staff at Smart Glass CN. These people have many years of experience on their hands. They deliver only the highest quality smart films and similar products.

You can reach out to them any time of the day


Phone: +86 135 2889 5042


What are the top benefits of Smart Glass Products in 2020

The Top Five Benefits of Smart Glass Products

As technology prevails, the demand for smart glass products has increased drastically. More and more people are becoming inclined towards the idea of incorporating switchable smart glass into their offices, homes, and other places.

Modern smart glasses cater to a number of applications. They are bound to leave you impressed. After all, using smart glasses have become easier over time. They have evolved into something that is bound to leave you in awe.

In addition to offering superior privacy solutions, these glasses offer a number of other benefits as well. In this article, we will be focusing on the top 5 benefits of smart glasses. So, without any further delay, let us get started!

The Top Five Benefits

Smart Glass Products

Ease of Use

There is no denying that the product is a technological marvel. Despite being an excellent creation, it is extremely simple both in terms of function and operation. Even though it offers a theatrical event of a closing, however, all you have to do is press the on or off option.

The good news is that smart glass activates as per the user’s activation choice. For instance, the user can use an on/off switch, or he can have a flick of a switch. To take things to a whole new level, the user can activate smart glass using voice commands via a virtual home assistant.

This ensures complete privacy at the user’s command. With one voice command, the glass would turn forest.


The product is not only easy to use, but it is also extremely easy to maintain. Use IPA clean of the affected areas. You will not have to put in additional effort, a simple swipe with IPA wipes would do the trick.

Since it is easy to use and maintain, therefore, it is the ideal privacy solution for a number of applications. Once you install the smart glass products, you will no longer need the dust blinds as your privacy solution for your office or homes.

You can even use them at the schools, hospitals or any other place where you would want hassle-free privacy.


A great thing about these amazing glasses is that they will enhance your aesthetic interior or exterior. It is simply impossible to match this technology when it comes to style. Regardless of where you install smart glass, it is bound to look outstanding.

It will blend seamlessly with the entire décor and enhance the overall look. Once you install the smart glass on a particular surface, you want to enjoy crystal clear clarity by simply turning the switch on.

On the other hand, turning off the switch would ensure privacy. The glass would give revert to a frosted state. Now, no one would be able to peek into your house or private place. In short, you can enjoy the sun and the sky through your window during the day, while keeping the switch off.

However, at night turn it off to enjoy unmatched privacy. Even the frosted part of the glass would completely blend with its surroundings.

There is more!

The style does not end with the glass appearance. On the contrary, its functionalities further improve the style factor. After all, the privacy control solution has much more to offer than just an optical style choice.

Its ability to change from frosted state to a crystal clear one within seconds is an excellent styling factor. You definitely can impress your house guest with a sudden change in window styles. The instant changing factor looks great in both traditional as well as the hi-tech environment.

 Light Transmittance

Yes, the smart glass wall is a privacy solution, but it does not mean that you have endured complete darkness. The objective is to have privacy, not a total blackout. However, in most cases, a privacy solution does equal to a semi, if not a total blackout.

You can go with blinds as they offer privacy along with some light. However, the privacy factor is limited. People can actually see through the blinds that are partially titled.

Fortunately, that is not the case with smart glasses. It offers an excellent way to overcome this particular problem. The film offers complete privacy without blocking out all the sunlight. Some amount of sunlight would penetrate through the glass, thus allowing visibility.

The amount of visibility greatly depends upon where you have installed the film in relation to the sunlight.


Versatility is among the key benefits of smart glass products. If you think smart glass does not have a solution exclusively for you, you need to think again. There are many options available in smart glass technology that there is a solution for everyone.

The wide range of products makes it possible for the consumer to choose one that suits his needs to perfection. For example, an interactive smart glass projection screen is one of its many products. This technology transforms a simple privacy screen into a multi-functional projection screen.

So, you are not only enjoying complete privacy, but you are able to entertain and engage your audience in the best possible way.


Of course, privacy is the most important aspect of this technology. It wouldn’t be wrong if we stay that privacy is the very heart of smart glass products. Therefore, it is among its greatest benefits. The smart glass offers complete and undisturbed privacy.

The use of this amazing technology is growing every day. We now incorporate it into places that we never expected before. Although technology might seem exciting and different. However, its functionality adds to its appeal.

The idea of having complete and easily accessible privacy makes it the best choice for people around the globe. With just one switch or a voice command, you can exclude the onlookers from your home, office, school, or room.

Adjustable levels of Privacy

Adjusting the level of privacy was something people were unable to enjoy in the past. Previously, they would have to apply an opaque tint to the desired place for the sake of privacy. The opaqueness did offer privacy; however, it was not possible to adjust the opacity level.

Smart Glass Products in china

Clearly, this is not the case with smart films. With smart glasses, you can even adjust the level of your privacy. Yes, you heard us right. The amazing technology lets you decide the amount of opaqueness you want. You can either dim your windows or turn them completely opaque.

Why do you need Smart Glass?

Since people now prefer houses with big windows, the need for privacy is always an issue. Instead of relying on traditional methods such as curtain or blinds, you can now engage in more sophisticated means.

Get smart glass products installed and relish unlimited and complete privacy. You will be able to enjoy the sunlight during the day and undaunting privacy at night. In addition, you can adjust the level of opaque. Something that is not a possibility with any of the traditional methods.

Moreover, technology has a class and style. It will transform your home into something amazing. Also, it blends well with its environment. So, now you have privacy within your command. Simply order and the widow will shut out all the onlookers.



SmartGlass Cn offers a number of switchable smart glass solutions. Some of these options include smart glass windows, laminated panels, a smart glass wall, toughened glass, and self-adhesive switchable film.

They offer the best quality at the most affordable prices. In case, you want further information regarding price or product options you should get in touch with their expertise.

They have years of experience in finding the smart glass solution for your problem. You can have an in-depth discussion with the learned staff before finalizing on a certain product. They will assess your situation in the best possible way and offer effective and efficient solutions.

They will answer all your queries as soon as possible. See the contact information below


Phone: +86 135 2889 5042