
Glass Projection Screen Film: is it Possible on Transparent Surface?

Transparent projection screen installation easy and simple guide 2020

Glass projection screen film

When the time comes to choose the glass projection screen film, we generally decide on the:

  • desired image size
  • conditioned by the distance of the spectators from the screen and
  • the space available in the room

However, other very important criteria come into play and should not be neglected. Otherwise you will get a disappointing image, with half-mast contrast and washed-out colors.

Choosing your projection screen means first of all wondering about the projection conditions:

  • Should it take place in a dedicated home cinemaroom, in the living room or on the go?
  • The projectorreplaces TV for daily use or will he-will he reserved for exceptional use?

Will the glass projection screen film take place in the middle of the day, or in complete darkness?

  • What type of video projectorwill be associated with it? Standard, short or ultra-short throw? Very bright or dimly bright?
  • If the projection screenis installed in a living room, does it benefit from treatments to fight against light pollution?

The answers to these questions will guide your choice and help you find the most suitable glass projection screen film for your personal situation.

Glass projection screen film: for what use?

The first two questions to ask yourself before choosing a projection screen are: where will the projection take place? How frequently?

You are commercial or in the animation. You want to project as well in your room as in your living room. Similarly, you want a party with friends or on your vacation spot. Therefore, you will choose a glass projection screen film.
The portable screen is also possible for occasional domestic use. It is if you do not want to set up a permanent installation.

Generally, the projection must always take place in the same room. You wish to adjust once and for all the parameters of the projector and the setting of the projection screen. You have the choice between a fixed projection screen and a roll-up projection screen. Similarly, the latter can be manual or motorized, with a built-in housing for some.

Glass projection screen film: image format and size

After choosing the type of glass projection screen film desired, the question of image format and screen size arises. Furthermore, this choice is not only a matter of taste.

It depends in particular on the type of programs viewed. Moreover, on the video projector associated with the projection screen but also on the space and distance available.

Projection screen: what format?

On the market are projection screens in 1/1 (square), 4/3, 16/9 and 16/10 formats as well as 2.35: 1 cinemascope format.

Projection screen: the canvas

The fabrics of projection screens are generally made of PVC. It is often associated with a fiberglass-type material to reinforce their hold. Several treatments carry to improve its lifespan: anti-yellowing, anti-dust, anti-warping.


Generally, several types of fabrics exist. It starts from classic matt white to micro-structured technical fabrics. It offers with a more or less fine texture and a more or less important level of gain.

Each glass projection screen film has its own fields of application. Subsequently, the most versatile is the matte white canvas. Moreover, it offers ideal characteristics for home cinema in the dark, as well as in subdued lighting conditions.

The advantages of holographic projection:

Projection on glass
– Functional in daylight (No need to reduce the lighting)
– Transparent material
– Design
– Outdoor installation possible
– Eye-catching
– Bright colors
– Custom dimensions
– Can be combined with touch systems
– Sharp image rendering
– Resistant

The special features of holographic glass projection screen film

The screen is transparent when there is no glass projection screen film.  It does not obstruct the view. Moreover, they have easy integration into its surroundings.

Its transparency allows you to create amazing video projections that catch the eye. Impactful visual creations can dynamically stage the products behind the screen by dressing or revealing them.


And yes, there are several types of fabrics! Otherwise the choice would be too simple. In addition, they can be a simple matt white. Each corresponding to a specific use and must be adapted to the characteristics of the video projector.


We would have liked to tell you that this is a simple question, but actually not really. Similarly, the size of the screen will depend on several factors. It includes the distance at which it is located from the video projector.

What are the advantages of glass projection screen film?

In glass projection screen film, all dimensions are virtually possible. With a single video projector or several associates, one can fill immense surfaces.

The format differs from the classic 16: 9 type rectangle if desired. Moreover, it can be very elongated, vertically, or follow completely free shapes.

In all these cases, we project on a screen, or at least on a flat surface, ideally white or similar in color.

Did you know that it is quite possible to project on a transparent surface?

Moreover, we no longer speak of video projection but of retro projection. Simultaneously, this is a first advantage of this technique. The projector is out of sight, behind the glass panel since it projects from the rear. A good point for discretion.

Glass projection screen film SUPPLIERS

Then, of course, it is impossible for glass projection screen film on a window. It would not work correctly. By default, the light passes through the glass. In addition, nothing allows reflection to the image so that it is visible.

You need a screen. This screen is the transparent film to stick on the glass. Here is a second advantage in terms of discretion: no frame, no casing or cables.

The last advantage concerns transparency. The glass projection screen film maintains transparency. Depending on the model chosen, the film will be more or less permeable to light. When the projection is turned off, the film would become almost invisible.

Four types of glass projection screen film for all situations

  • classic transparent
  • high contrast
  • high brightness
  • double vision

Depending on the application, the ambient lighting, the desired transparency, one or the other of the references will be selected. It should be noted that the classic model is detachable to be reinstalled, while the other versions are permanent.

The thickness of the polyester film does not exceed 75 microns! The maximum width is 1.2 to 1.5m depending on the reference, and 10m in length. Larger dimensions can be obtained on special request by assembling several widths.



The screen is an essential element for quality glass projection screen film. No question of being satisfied with a white wall! The treatments received by the paintings allow a faithful reproduction of colors and contrasts.


Electric pdlc film 2020: Everything you need to know about pdlc smart film

What is an electric PDLC film?

Electric pdlc film suppliers

Pdlc basically stands for Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal. Hence, electric pdlc film actually contains drops of liquid crystal of micro size. Manufacturers scatter this liquid crystal within optically isotropic polymer matrix.

In order to provide the new orientation of electricity, the PET film encircles the PDLC. And this PET film is laminated with electrically conductive Indium Tin Oxide. It has the ability to peel very easily and can affix to the existent glass. As it is with an EVA adhesive at the backside of non-adhesive smart film.

How does electric pdlc film work with smart glass?

Smart glass is actually a multilayer glass with the help of polymer liquid crystal film. And manufacturers apply this smart glass between two layers of toughened glass.

When users power-off, the pdlc film is converted into opaque condition. And when users power-on the electric pdlc film is converted into transparent condition.

This smart glass has not only the ability to secure the glass but also supplies the facility of privacy.

A backside projection takes the place of the general screen in order to demonstrate hd quality of 3D images.

What effect does electric pdlc film have on ordinary glass?

When you install this smart switchable pdlc film, all the environment changes into a fantasy. And it also has capability to change the ordinary glass into reversible glass. You can easily control the process with just a single electrical switch.

Moreover, this electrical switch has ability to change the simple glass from transparent to opaque. When you power-on the switch, it turns into transparent. And when you power-off, it simply turns into opaque. Furthermore, electric pdlc film also gives you the privacy that you need.

Hence, when you use this film, all the environment fills with the great feelings of advanced technology.

Why electric pdlc film is becoming so popular?

Switchable pdlc film is becoming so popular because it is a highly advanced technology. And when users change transparent glass into opaque with just a single touch, it does a wow effect to the viewers. Nowadays people are making use of hi-tech products even in their daily life. And they like this pdlc film because of these reasons, like:

  • projection
  • privacy
  • security
  • elegance
  • some modern touch, etc.

How this magic electric pdlc film helps you in different ways?

Nowadays people are growingly looking the modern science and technology to find more easy solutions of their daily needs. It is a fact that, this magic pdlc film helps you in many other ways.


Furthermore, this magic pdlc film also offers you to transform the following:

  • glass windows
  • acrylic screens
  • partitions
  • plexiglass
  • many other transparent surfaces, like switchable security or privacy.

Moreover, this switchable electric pdlc film also has abilities to provide the following advantages, like:

  • solar
  • thermal
  • and sound protection.

Furthermore, it has following potential to keep your home or rooms:

  • comfortable
  • cool
  • quiet
  • great privacy.

This switchable pdlc film can also protect you and your home from UV rays. And helps to protect against many other harmful effects of the environment.

Furthermore, if you are taking interest to keep privacy of you and your family, this electronic pdlc film fulfills all your needs and demands.

In how many ways does electric pdlc film help us?

There are several ways in which electric pdlc film help us. People are using it for several purposes and conditions. However, the main uses of this pdlc film are:

  1. switchable pdlc film in offices
  2. switchable pdlc film in homes.

What are the uses of electric pdlc film in homes?

As we have described above that this technology of magic pdlc film can help us in several applications at home. It can help as grand solutions of privacy in,

  • some special rooms of the house
  • the main or outside door
  • the bathrooms
  • also, from UV rays
  • several harmful changes in the climate, etc.

But this electric pdlc film gives its best performances in doors and windows. Because doors are the main source of leaking the privacy and they keep innate level of privacy. So, manufacturers simply secure their functional capability with the help of pdlc film.

Furthermore, when they use this pdlc film in the external or main door, they get a perfect privacy. And this technology aids them to reveal that, who is actually at the door. It also has great impact on the visitors, as they get amazed by this technology.

Hence, this technology impresses all your visitors. And they admire this marvelous switchable pdlc technology.

Moreover, they help you when you want to look outside the room and get sunlight in the room.

What is an ideal benefit of electric pdlc film in home?

One perfect benefit of electric pdlc film is that, it is basically not a black-out technology. It is an ideal benefit with respect to needs of energy. And it totally depends to your needs. You can easily change the whole environment with the help of this pdlc film technology.

Electric pdlc film manufacturers

Furthermore, it is also an ideal technology for perfect privacy solutions. You can convert a high exposure area into a full private space with just a flick of button.

What are the uses of electric pdlc film in offices?

In corporate offices, pdlc film technology helps the owners according to the situations. It serves an impactful and elegant privacy according to the requirements of your business.It can be an extra valuable tool in meeting rooms and boardrooms from interactive ability to projection.

Because highly personal meetings and presentation also held here. So, these pdlc films are performing best privacy needs even in your offices. it has the capability to convert frosted and clear glass into a perfect alternative to glass partitions and walls.

Furthermore, this switchable electric pdlc film can convert the office into a private room with just a touch of button. This pdlc film also has ability to brighten up the dark sections of your office. So that your staff and meeting managers can feel great comfort and ease during some special meetings.

Moreover, when you use this advanced technology in your office, it has an ideal effect to the customers. They get fascinated from this highly advanced and promotional technology.

Hence, pdlc film also has a great effect to your business and its progress.


Electric pdlc film is becoming popular in every field of life. Because it is a very useful advanced technology. It is helpful not only in your office but also in your home. And it has a magical effect on the viewers. Moreover, it’s up to you to modernize your home.

Furthermore, nowadays people consider life incomplete without electric switchable pdlc film.


Does Switchable privacy glass film work at night? Smart Glass film DIY 2020

Electric Privacy glass cost and diy methods

Switchable privacy glass film suppliers

Switchable privacy glass film is suitable for a wide range of applications. The popular industries are very common in adhesive privacy consumers:

  • Hotel
  • Hospital
  • Office
  • car dealerships
  • Museums
  • Banks
  • Laboratories
  • private areas

They cover almost the entire area to make things invisible or visible to everyone. The foils are available in different colors. They are UV-stable and allow enough daylight into the interior of the rooms. With just one push of a button, you are practically invisible or visible within a second.

Does Switchable privacy glass film at night work?

The two-way switchable privacy glass film protects against prying eyes while maintaining visibility to the outside. Mirror effect films work thanks to the play of light balance between the two sides of the fitted glazing. We can therefore ask ourselves under what conditions does the two-way mirror film work?

The two-way Switchable privacy glass film during the day

The switchable privacy glass film without complexion works perfectly during the day. Indeed, the mirror effect of the film is created on the brightest side of the glazing.

In broad daylight, the two-way mirror film transforms the outside of the glass into a reflective screen to enhance your privacy. On the other side, the transparency of the glass allows you to keep the view to the outside.

The two-way film protects from view all day long. It is the only window film that provides visibility to the outside.

The Switchable privacy glass film, light off

Thanks to the brightness of the moon or outdoor public lighting, the light is stronger indoors than outdoors. One-way switchable privacy glass film works very well under these conditions.

It is the metallization of the mirror-effect film. Because it transforms the window into a real mirror seen from the outside.

The two-way Switchable privacy glass film, light on

In this specific case, the two-way mirror film does not protect you from vis-à-vis. In fact, when the light is on in your interior and it is dark outside. The mirror effect is reversed. Moreover, it lets the outside eyes pass.

For total protection, you can combine this solution with the installation of blinds. Hence, it will guarantee your privacy when the mirror-effect window film does not work. Similarly, there is no such thing as one-way mirror film that works at night with the light on.

People are often misinformed about switchable privacy glass film and its uses. What is it exactly? Is this a durable solution to protect its doors?

Far from being a gadget, adhesive privacy films has become essential in the building industry. Thanks to its multiple properties and applications. Our technicians and sales representatives often give us the same questions:

  • What is the resistance of a security film?
  • Does solar film really block heat?
  • Can we put films on the openings of an old building?
  • Is it better to have an adhesive or electrostatic film?
  • Does installing switchable privacy glass filmvoid my warranty?
  • Can you pose a film yourself?

What is the composition of Switchable privacy glass film?

Switchable privacy glass film generally comes with several different layers. Moreover, it depends on the type of film. For instance:

  • Solar
  • Thermal
  • Security
  • Decorative
  • Anti-waves, etc.

There are generally 2 layers of high optical quality polyester. They have inserted layers of alloy of metals such as:

  • Silver
  • Bronze
  • Stainless steel
  • Platinum

An anti-wave film contains metal oxides. They act as a screen. An adhesive film consists of 1, 2, 4, up to 6 different layers with the adhesive cured.

What is the lifespan of Switchable privacy glass film?

The length of a switchable privacy glass film will depend on several factors. Its film quality is fundamental. Do-it-yourself stores often offer ranges of average quality, without any guarantees.


The installation method will also have a strong impact on the life of window film. Like many things, knowing how to install window film in the perfect way is not so easy. And we often see premature deterioration following incorrect installation.

It is not uncommon to see films that are 15 or 20 years old. You can then remove the old film and replace it with a new one. Similarly, it greatly extends the life of the window.

What is the resistance capacity of a Switchable privacy glass film?

The resistance capacity of a switchable privacy glass film is impressive. The burglar-resistant security film will considerably delay burglary attempts. Because it remains in place. Furthermore, it is extremely resistant.

120 micron polyester film will largely absorb the shock wave. The pieces of glass do not shatter. However, no security film can make a window bulletproof.

Can we apply Switchable privacy glass film to old buildings?

Older homes are usually energy sieves due to their age and poor insulation. And homeowners often struggle to resolve these issues without compromising the historic look of the building.

Windows are particularly problematic and typically account for 15-30% of the total heating load and up to 50% of the cooling load during the warmer months.

Another area of ​​concern is that windows generally cannot be replaced on historic properties. It is due to:

  • structural considerations
  • regulations specific to older buildings,

Old windows not only increase energy costs for homeowners, but also allow a significant amount of UV rays to enter the building.

Untreated windows can block up to 25% of UV rays and the remaining rays can severely damage antique furniture and period rugs. It will result in fading and premature deterioration. Fortunately, switchable privacy glass film can block up to 99% of UV rays.

Does installing Switchable privacy glass film void the warranty on my windows?

This question often arises for new buildings, or for window replacement. Carpenters have the obligation of a ten-year guarantee on the windows.

Some installers give the wrong information and claim that installing switchable privacy glass film will void the warranty.

Can you install Switchable privacy glass film yourself?

In principle, the installation of window film is not very complicated. In fact, like many things, for a perfect result it is not that easy without some habit or training.

Window film must be fitted perfectly so as not to alter the transparency of the window with folds or bubbles.

Switchable privacy glass film manufacturers

The result will be visually more unsightly. For the film to last over time the installation must be done according to the rules of the art. Otherwise the duration would be greatly reduced.

In conclusion, if you have 2 m² of film to apply, do it yourself if you have the soul of a handyman. Beyond that we advise you to call on a professional switchable privacy glass film.

High performance solar or thermal films are relatively expensive to buy, and you risk having thrown your money down the drain!


5 Best Ways to use window adhesive privacy films in your home

What is window adhesive privacy? Heat control window film

window adhesive privacy suppliers in china


Window adhesive privacy is basically a kind of film which installers apply at the windows or doors of your business and home. And this adhesive privacy assists to make them extra safe and secure. Furthermore, it also helps them to secure from serious and terrible breakages.

This adhesive privacy window film is actually a kind of static-cling or self-adhering material. And manufacturers or installers apply it at the door and windows of your home. It also can serve the following purposes like:

  • for privacy of you and your family
  • for beautifying your home
  • to hide homely scene
  • and also, for protecting your home from several damages

Moreover, Window adhesive privacy also has the ability to change the glass in many ways, such as:

  • mirrored
  • patterned
  • frosted glass, etc

What is the purpose of window adhesive privacy?

The main purpose of this window adhesive film is to make the window glass more hard and tough to penetrate.This adhesive film strengthens the glass of your window or door to make them extra strong. It also makes your home more beauteous.

Furthermore, it also secures the window glass in following ways, like:

  • from hail
  • from criminal or peepers
  • with flying waste or detritus
  • even from a ball

This window adhesive privacy does not permit any type of broken glass to enter and fly inside the room. Because they can hurt you and your family member. And this broken glass also can harm your accessories or possessions.

Hence, the main purpose of this adhesive window privacy is to protect you and your family from all damages.

How can you take help from window adhesive privacy installers to maintain privacy of your home?

Manufacturers of adhesive privacy window film know how to satisfy their clients in all their concerns. These experts know it fully well that your home and family is your first priority. Hence, you will certainly do anything to control and maintain security of everything and every family member.

So, set a meeting with an expert window film manufacturer or installer of your area. And convey all your concerns and requirements according to your likes or dislikes. Furthermore, they have capability to add elegance to your office or home. And they also have ability to deal all your problems and concerns about your security.


They also can provide you best options for window adhesive privacy to add elegance along with privacy.

How many kinds of window adhesive privacy are?

Most of the homeowners consider that using adhesive window privacy is just adding mirror-like or dark films to their homes. And also adds some potential changes in visible appearances. But thanks to innovative engineering and science that have brought a huge revolution in the field of adhesive window.

Now they are not just window tints but have become beneficial for security without changing the appearance of your home.

Here we are giving you some most famous kinds of adhesive films that installers use regularly. And these are also beneficial for security and style.

These popular kinds of window adhesive privacy are:

1. Ceramic window tinting products

2. Heat blocking window film

3. Safety and security window film

  1. Neutral window film:

Here we are going to discuss about these adhesive films.

Ceramic window tinting products:

As we have already mentioned about innovative engineering and science which has led to greater performing adhesive products. The use of this best privacy has improved the level of mirror-like effects. And also, has converted them into best reflective mirrors that have perfect looks.

Adhesive Privacy Film in china

So, ceramic adhesive window products are a leading example of it. Although they are quite expensive. But these adhesive window films are foremost tier products. These are designed in such a way that they reduce UV effects. In its preparation, manufacturers use particles of micro-ceramic to coat this film.

Hence, because of these micro particles they have become invisible to the naked eye. So, these window adhesive privacy films earn all the advantages of reflective or external looks.

Heat blocking window adhesive privacy film


Manufacturers design these transparent heat blocking films to block the sunny heat. And these adhesive films also help to keep your home cool during summer. Hence, save you from some extra charges to keep the home cool.

Although these films are completely transparent, but have capability to block almost 99% UV rays of sun.Furthermore, in order to block heat, these adhesive films also secure all of your art and furnishings from sun declining and fading.

Safety and security window adhesive privacy film:

This safety and security window adhesive privacyfilm is very helpful in following conditions:

  • you have busier street or road
  • area is breakdown sensitive
  • you have to face most earthquake

Hence, if you are facing any one difficulty that has described above.Then must consult an expert installer. So that these installers can understand your problem and solve them. They certainly provide you the adhesive films that they design for security and protection.

Installers provide these types of adhesive films in any color. It totally depends on your likes or dislikes.

Neutral window film:

These adhesive films are also famous as anti-glare or fading technology. They prevent from harsh UV rays or sun fading. And this type of window adhesive privacy also has ability to reduce the extra heat of sunlight. Most of homeowners usually show their interest in Neutral window film, because of following reasons, like:

  • they have beautiful collection of art
  • protect their furnishings from sun exposure
  • also secure from sun fading
  • they provide security with style and grace.

What are the facts and myths about window adhesive privacy?

Here are some top facts and myths for you.And which users must have to know before using any type of adhesive film. These are:

Myth # 1: It is bulletproof

2: It is a basic defense

Myth # 3: This is used to save intruders and theft from entering a business or home

Myth # 4: window adhesive privacy should also be fixed on every window

5: Crime is going up and it will continue, so security films are more crucial than ever

Here are some facts about all myths which we mention above:

Fact about myth #1

It is not true that these adhesive films are bulletproof. Because bullets can easily penetrate through them. These films only help to hold pieces of glass. Manufacturers of window film never claim that their product can stop the bullets.

Fact about myth # 2

If you are thinking that adhesive films are a perfect substitute of an alarm system. But it is not a truth. Although they make harder for glass to be cracked, but do not secure completely. Hence, it is not a basic defense and should always use with some safety system.

Fact about myth # 3

Window adhesive privacy cannot protect your property. And thief can enter into your home or business. Although, it can create some problems for intruders but has no capability to stop them.

smart Privacy Film

Furthermore, it can provide you some time for reacting against the thief or intruders.

Fact about myth # 4

It is not necessary to fix adhesive films on every window or door. Hence, it totally depends on your wish that whether you want or not.

Fact about myth # 5

It is a fact that crime is going up and it will continue. But window adhesive privacy is not designed to save you from these circumstances. They are just weather protecting films. And you can use them for family privacy or for decorating purposes.

Hence, you can only secure your home and family by proper policing and by coordinating with neighborhood program to watch.


How does Switchable Privacy Glass Save Energy? 2020 Best Guide

Updated Switchable privacy glass cost for homes

Switchable privacy glass suppliers in china 

What is switchable privacy glass?

Switchable privacy glass is also called “intelligent” glass. It is due to its ability to change the light transmission at the push of a button. It is one of the so-called “functional glasses”.

One of its greatest advantages is that it can be made milky, transparent, dimming or colored using the remote control.

Large companies use dimmable windows via circuitry. For example, it is to avoid excessive heat or glare in the staff offices. Similarly, it can be a constantly changing partition between meeting rooms and other areas.

Switchable privacy glass is a purchase that is certainly not standard equipment in most homes. In offices, however, a facade that includes intelligent functional glass can be very useful. Moreover, it can even save air conditioning and blinds

The innovation for more well-being – that’s how switchable privacy glass work

There are three different versions of intelligent glazing. It depends on the technology used to manufacture these glasses and influence their transparency:

  • switchable glass
  • Thermo chromic glazing
  • LC glass

Thermo- and electro chromic glasses can completely regulate the incidence or the radiation of light and heat. The light transmission, especially in summer, can be reduced to 15 to 50 percent.

Electro chromic glass / switchable glass

Switchable privacy glass can change their color when a voltage is applied thanks to a special, thin coating. This does not provide effective privacy protection. But these glazings are suitable:

  • as sun protection
  • for subdued light or
  • for temperature control in the room

As soon as the voltage is removed, the switchable film becomes transparent again and the light can enter the room unhindered. When darkened, electro chromic windows usually have a bluish tint.


It is due to the coating used. In extreme heat, they enhance the effect of a partition between the inside and the outside.

Thermo chromic glazing

The color of switchable privacy glass is influenced by the incident solar radiation or the degree of heat generated thereby.

The glazing automatically darkens when the temperature on the glass pane reaches a certain value. This is done using a film with thermo chromic substances.

If the sun hits the window, the substances in the film change color and create an effective sun protection glass. The process can also be controlled via an operator control, sometimes even with a smartphone.

Switchable Privacy Glass manufacturer

Liquid crystal switchable privacy glass

Liquid Crystal – or LC – is an intelligent glass that works using polymeric liquid. The difference to the other examples in the field of functional glass is its transparency. Liquid crystal panes only become transparent when electricity is applied and do not lose their transparency.

This switchable privacy glass technology does not prevent UV radiation. However, the crystals scatter the incident light in such a way that a frosted glass look is created.

The glasses, which consist of two float glass panes – with the crystal film in the middle – are ideal as a privacy screen. Furthermore, It can be switched off at the push of a button.

Saving energy with switchable privacy glass

If the lighting conditions are classified as optimal, the glass surface usually remains clear. Otherwise you can simply switch it to a different state.

Switchable privacy glass on the building is, for example, immersed in a mostly opaque blue. Thanks to the chemical-electrical reaction, while LC glass is often used for privacy is used.

In the case of darkening, lower surface temperatures are measured on the pane. It saves high costs for an air conditioning system.

Electrically controllable glasses prevent unnecessary electricity costs. It not only contributes to a positive energy balance, but also to a pleasant working atmosphere. In addition, the use of smart windows ensures that there are no annoying reflections on the screen.

What does switchable privacy glass cost? 

The prices of switchable privacy glass are currently still relatively high. In addition to the price per square meter, controls, switches or similar must be added.

As a rule, the manufacturers create a non-binding offer. Similarly, the total number of:

  1. square meters
  2. additional control elements
  3. Assembly
  4. transport, etc. are calculated

Switchable privacy glass in the car 

There was previously talk of window glass for buildings. Switchable glasses are of course also ideal for vehicles:

Some of them are already there.  In the future they will certainly be used even more if the price drops.

  • The possibilities would be diverse:
  • The window could be darkened depending on the brightness
  • Depending on the temperature and humidity, the panes could regulate the heating and ensure clear panes
  • Projections are also conceivable

Tomorrow’s facade – how close are we already?

Whether living or working: Nowadays you can operate a wide variety of objects electrically or even electronically. Switchable privacy glass is a high-tech product. It was still considered science fiction a few years ago.

  • Innovative single-pane safety glass
  • insulating glass
  • laminated glass
  • alarm and walk-on glass

They have been added to the flat glass commonly used in window construction in recent decades. The price of the material and the system of these products is slowly falling.

Why switchable privacy glass?

Switchable glass that can change your own transparency at the push of a button is just another step in this development. There are now glasses on the market that works on the same principle as a touch screen.

So today you have not only an intelligent cell phone. But now also a switchable privacy glass, the “smart window” with “smart glass”.


Many people love summer. But with all its joy, it also brings certain plagues with it. These include:

  • sultry heat
  • sunburn or sting
  • stuffy air
  • Sweating
  • Overheated rooms

Sun protection glass can solve several of these problems. This special glass facade repels intensive radiation. Moreover, it can block up to 82% of the incident solar energy.

The switchable privacy glass can relieve and partially replace other shading systems. Thereby it can save energy and protect the environment.

Facades with sun protection for comfortable living

The principle of switchable Window glass is simple. A special coating is applied to the inside of individual facade elements. For example we can take tin-doped indium oxide.

This layer retains long-wave radiation. Subsequently, it is also possible to add dyes which increase the protection factor against radiation already during the melting process.

Special combination: If you want to make your glazing flexible, you can even have reversible foils inserted in the space between the panes.

It can be moved up and down by motor or manually. And thus offer a switchable sun protection glass. In this way light and energy transmission can be regulated.

Smart glass products

Switchable privacy glass Function for every purpose – with the best effect

Switchable privacy glass is one of the functional glasses in architecture. Because it can influence thermal insulation and light transmission (TL). The high-tech windows can even replace air conditioning and thus save electricity.

So you can even create a pleasant living environment under one roof. No matter which variant of sun protection glass you choose, it guarantees thermally balanced rooms and high energy efficiency.


If you want the best switchable privacy glass for you, you can get best smart glass prices here.


What are 2 Best Adhesive Privacy Window Film Software in 2020?

Adhesive privacy window film Introduction

adhesive privacy window film manufacturers

Adhesive privacy window film is an excellent advertising and communication medium. Similarly, it actively participates in making the brand known. This advertising marking is found on any glass surface.

The use of the adhesive privacy window film is ideal for creating a one-off offer. The window sticker is often used in glass offices. It is to preserve the confidentiality of the place while retaining the light.

Generally, the sticker places on the inside of the glass. In this way, bad weather will not effect it.

An adhesive privacy window film is a sticker to be applied on a window. It can be seen from the outside by transparency.


  • Window, shop window,sales area, POS , showrooms, etc.
  • vehicle glass surface
  • Cardboard (easel, urns, etc.)
  • Aluminum, Plexiglas, wood, etc.

Adhesive privacy window film characteristics

  • Good UV resistance
  • durability(about 6 months to 3 years)
  • The PVC used for window displays can be permanent or removable, or ultra-removable and repositionable.
  • variable shapes, pre-cut, etc
  • Moreover, plasticizationprolongs the life of the adhesive

Adhesive privacy window film comes in many forms:

  • stickers , self- adhesive foil,
  • self-adhesive label
  • floor adhesive, signage marking
  • transparent plexis
  • Repositionable or permanent colorless adhesive PVC

The different types of adhesive privacy window film:

  • transparent window film
  • opaque window film(on white background)
  • perforated window film
  • double window film, for marking visible from the outside as well as from the inside)

How to make an adhesive privacy window film?

Before making your adhesive privacy window film, you should check with your municipality. And make sure that you are not subject to taxes on advertising made outdoors.

Your window film is only there to embellish your window. For instance, it can be a social or any popular event. You shouldn’t have a problem.

The very first step is taking measurements of your storefront. Hence, this step is extremely important. Furthermore, your measurements must be very precise.

Especially if the planned sticker will cover your entire window. If your window film is covering, add a safety margin.

It is then advisable to do the graphics work on vector software. Such as:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Corel Draw.

Since printing goes on a very large format, if you need to use pixelated images, choose the highest resolution possible.
Your adhesive privacy window film needs a complex cutting in some instances. In addition, you can add a so-called “cutout” layer. This must be 100% magenta.

How to install adhesive privacy window film?

  1. Take the measurements of your window and transfer them to your sticker by adding 2 cm of margin.
  2. Cut flat with a sharp cutter.
  3. Simultaneously, put the adhesive side towards you.
  4. Cut two pieces of painter’s tape (masking). About 5cm for each piece. Glue one piece on the adhesive side and the other on the back.
  5. Wash the glass and its frame with lukewarm water and washing up liquid. Then rinse.
  6. Later, dry the glass with a clean cloth.
  7. The glass must be perfectly clean.
  8. All impurities and other fatty residues must be removed.

Then gently install the film starting from the top and after spraying the window with water. The excess adhesive window film must protrude on the amounts of the glass.
Similarly, if your film is wide, it will be easier to put it together.

Starting at the corner where you left the masking tape. Start peeling off the liner by spraying it with soapy water. And peel it off from top to bottom.

Once the pose is finished, smooth it out starting from the center upwards and then downwards.

Then cut out the excess.

How to improve the performance of adhesive privacy window film?

You can improve the performance of your windows or simply your interior comfort; consider window accessories such as window films.

There is privacy window film for every need. Subsequently, it ranges from security with the burglar-proof film. Moreover, it helps in privacy with the opaque film or one-way mirror. But the most common, the solar film, will protect you from UV rays and heat.

The films, in kit form or to measure, adapt to any type of glazing and surface. Their installation is very simple, whether in adhesive or electrostatic version.

Decorative film brightens up any interior

To choose or apply decorative adhesive privacy film, you don’t need to be an expert. On the other hand, be on the lookout for new trends and decoration ideas. This protean film continues to amaze us by the extent of the layout possibilities it offers!

Comfortable advantage for the anti-heat adhesive privacy window film 

The anti-heat film fully meets current requirements in terms of comfort, savings and ecology. Its installation in the rules of the art lowers the temperature of the rooms in summer. Without resorting to electric air conditioning and increases comfort the rest of the year.

The anti-UV film, the anti-aging protection of your interior

Large glass surfaces can be disastrous for the good conservation of your furniture. Hence, it can get impact by UV radiation.

To avoid this, consider putting an anti UV adhesive window film on your windows. The modest cost will prevent you from having to renew your sofa every five years.

Feel at home thanks to the opaque film

The opaque film for window is acclaimed for its ease of installation. It gives affordability and wide variety of options. In fact, it represents the best quality-price currently for those who wish to enjoy enhanced privacy in their home.

The two-way film, a safety and aesthetic ally

One-way film is not only intended for city dwellers in search of tranquility. The reflective surfaces that it releases at a lower cost enhance the home environment. As well as it gains in insulation and security.

The anti-glare adhesive privacy window film, the solution to comfort your eyes

It is economical, simple to install and very efficient. The anti-glare adhesive privacy window film will quickly establish itself as the ideal solution.

It is for those who fear direct rays or the simple reflection of the sun for their eyes. You can also combine it with other properties (anti-heat for example) to gain living comfort.

The anti-reflection film, light without the discomfort

The anti-reflection film, by filtering solar radiation, will give your rooms a soft light. And it will avoid the inconvenience associated with reflections on your television or computer screens.

Similarly, it is less expensive than special glazing. it remains the reference solution for those who wish to gain visual comfort.

adhesive privacy window film suppliers in china

The burglar’s best enemy burglar-proof film

The burglar-proof adhesive privacy window film discourages intrusions and attempted vandalism on your windows. And it is highly regarded by insurance companies.

Very advantageous, this option is therefore to be considered to consolidate a simple interior glazing or to reinforce the glass of a patio door without big investment.


How to choose best adhesive privacy film for your office/home in 2020?

What is adhesive privacy film? Adhesive privacy window film

adhesive privacy film Suppliers in china

Adhesive privacy film generally consists of very thin layers of polyester and metal atomization. They are capable of reflecting solar electromagnetic waves. It intervenes in the “visible” sector to dose the input of solar heat. It is based on the intensity of the metal deposit, the brightness.

How to choose an adhesive privacy film?

Choosing the right adhesive privacy film for the right job may seem trivial but it is not. And it is not because today there are hundreds of films available because hundreds are possible applications.

If you are a specialized applicator or if you need to decorate furniture, walls, company fleet, glass for your company, my advice is to keep reading. To clarify and finally know how and in what different films on the market differ.

Let’s try to clarify together.

  1. Cast
  2. Calendered polymer
  3. Monomeric 

What do these terms mean when we talk about adhesive privacy film?

At first glance they may seem perfectly the same but once the film is applied the differences immediately catch the eye. Conformability, durability and ease of application are completely different.

Cast adhesive privacy film

A Cast film is a very high quality film. Perhaps the highest that can be found on the market. It is called CAST because the vinyl is melted and therefore born in liquid form to have an extremely thin sheet.

They have no memory and are very stable. Easy to cut, peel and apply. They are ideal for rough parts and uneven surfaces and in particular for vehicle decoration.

The adhesive privacy film can also be used for “interiors”. In particular in cases where a specific Pantone reference is required.

If you want to know more look here what we have done with many other leaders in the sector.

 When to choose a CAST adhesive privacy film?

> When you need a long application period

> Especially, when you need a highly conformable product

> If you are looking for high resistance to atmospheric and chemical agents

> It has no memory and is therefore more stable and resistant to shrinkage

Calendered adhesive privacy film

Calendered adhesive privacy film is created as a plastic mass. It is then crushed by pressure rollers. The film has a slightly lower quality than the Cast film. Despite this it manages to give excellent results in certain applications. Calendared films are divided into two large families: monomeric and polymeric.


Calendered monomeric adhesive privacy film

A monomeric calendered film is the cheapest vinyl you can find on the market. They are not suitable for difficult external applications such as wrapping or film coating of vehicles or train liveries.

A monomeric privacy film is not stable. It means that over time the surface of the film will tend to shrink and begin to deteriorate until it crumbles as the paint would.

My advice is therefore to use a monomeric film when you need a vinyl for a short period of time. For instance, it can be a temporary sales campaign or a short-lasting event over time.

To summarize, it is the cheapest film but also the one that lasts less.

Calendered polymer adhesive privacy film

A polymeric adhesive privacy film is a monomeric film to which polymers capable of reducing the shrinking effect of the film have been added. Although technology has made great strides over the years, these films still lack stability especially when compared to a Cast film.

They are better than the monomeric ones for outdoor applications. But I do not recommend their use on uneven and particularly corrugated surfaces.

They are a valid alternative to Cast film in case of “less demanding” applications.


You do not want to take risks. Moreover, you are looking for a film that can last over time and make you sleep soundly; always choose a Cast privacy film.

Understand what to do when where to choose an adhesive film?

This is the panorma regarding adhesive films.

My advice is always to ask your supplier or a professional applicator. Which film to choose based on the work you need to do.

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us to find out more or to have information on prices and applications.

We have some experience in the sector.


The decorative adhesive privacy film offer a wide choice of graphic designs and personalize your windows.

These white and satin films soften the light, without reducing its brightness.


Extremely resistant, these films provide the safety of both: goods and people. A window equipped with such films can crack but will remain in place and protected. It can help avoid accidents involving scattered broken glass.

What benefits do I get with a adhesive privacy film?

Choosing the right privacy film for your windows allows numerous benefits. In order to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to evaluate some factors. Such as:

  • relationship between the illuminating surface
  • the ambient surface
  • exposure of the windows
  • the external image of the building, etc

Do the films need to be installed indoors or outdoors?

If the glass is of modest thickness, the thermal result achievable between internal and external application is very similar. It is preferable to apply outside. Especially: when the glass is not monolithic. But it is laminated or made of double glazing.

How much brightness is lost with the glass film?

The loss of light is zero in the case of adhesive privacy film. It is modest for silver reflectors, for colored and opaque. It is good for the blackouts and total white.

Does it protect me from the risk of injury?

The resistance of the polyester to pressure is very high. The adhesive system that joins the film to the glass retains all the fragments in case of breakage.

The privacy film should be certified according to the law.

Does privacy film protect me from prying eyes?

In the office as at home during the day it is pleasant to be able to see perfectly outside with the certainty of:

  • not being seen
  • to preserve privacy
  • to enjoy transparency protected from heat and solar reflections.

Does it protect my furniture?

Thanks to the presence of special inhibitors, even a perfectly neutral and invisible film totally cancels the ultraviolet radiation of light. It is mainly responsible for the discoloration and degradation of the furnishings.

adhesive privacy film manufacturers

Is it allowed to apply adhesive privacy film to car windows?

Adhesive privacy film can be applied to all rear windows and rear window in the desired color. They cannot be applied to the front side windows and to the windshield.


Switchable Privacy Glass Film Beneficial for Hospital Environment 

How Switchable Privacy Glass Film Benefits the Health Care Environment

The innovative modern technology – switchable privacy glass film — offers a number of benefits to the medical facility. It uses durable glazing and switchable liquid crystal film to offer these advantages.

Health care providers are constantly working on providing the best possible experience and environment for their patients. In doing so, they are upgrading that medical facility every now and then. After all, it is the aim of the hospital and similar medical facilities to ensure that their patient feels comfortable.

By upgrading medical facilities, we do not mean the medical equipment, medicine, or medical procedures but also the interior and the surrounding of the hospitals. They need to embrace the new technology along with all the perks that it has to offer.

For instance, the switchable glass. It now plays a pivotal role in improving the overall healthcare facility of the hospital. In addition, it is energy efficient. The technology uses an innovative idea to ensure better health care surroundings.

Benefits of Using a Switchable Privacy Glass Film

Smart Glass films offer a number of benefits to different industries. Here is, how these privacy films can benefit the hospital or other similar health care facilities.

Switchable Privacy Glass Film

Observation Without Contamination

All hospitals tend to face this particular problem. Most of them are facing cross-contamination from some serious and highly contagious pathogens. For instance, the MRSA is causing a lot of disturbance in the hospital.

Incorporating switchable privacy films would reduce the risk of contamination. With just a flick of a switch, it is possible to observe the patient without combing in contact with him or her. You would not have to risk cross-contamination from any disease.

Remote Monitoring

Since providing a clean environment to all the patient is among the top priority of every hospital. Therefore, it is unavoidable not to visit the isolated wards. This results in increased chances of contamination.

However, with switchable privacy glass, it is possible to remotely monitor not only the patient but also it’s surrounding in an effective manner. The staff would not have to enter each isolation unit to ensure hygiene on a regular basis. Therefore, reducing the risk of contamination

Increased Patient Privacy

This goes without saying! The name “Switchable Privacy Glass Film” suggests that the film would offer privacy in every possible way. The film ensures improved patient privacy even in small health care places and hospitals.

After all, it is vital for the hospital to establish the requisite level of patient’s privacy. They need to maximize the comfort and satisfaction of the patient. Therefore, they need to act accordingly.

Since it is possible to change the switch glass films from transparent to complete opaqueness, thus ensuring complete privacy to patients in the operating theaters, patient rooms, and the examination rooms.

These films tend to offer unrivaled level privacy especially when you compare them with the conventional blinds or curtains. The old methods are not highly effective, as it is possible to disturb them easily.

Hygienic Alternative to Curtains

Traditionally, hospitals and health care facilities use curtains for privacy. However, there is a high chance of contamination as well as hygienic issues with it. Maintains of curtains is difficult. To wash or to disinfect it, you would have to bring the curtain down and wash it.

However, that is not the case with a switchable privacy glass film. In addition to ensuring a better privacy level, it is extremely easy to clean and maintain. All you would have to do is use a glass cleaning liquid and or any other disinfectant, and wipe clean the glass.

It would clean as well as disinfect it at the same time. When you incorporate the privacy glass films in your hospitals, you are creating a more cleaned environment for not only your patients but also for the staff.

It is easy to wipe the glass and eliminate any presence of dangerous pathogens that can cause a threat to the health of any patient or the hospital staff.

Shared Bathrooms

Hospital rooms are full of bacteria. Thus, increasing the spread speed. What makes it worse is the wet bathrooms. The bacteria spread more quickly in the bathroom that it would in a dry area. Therefore, it to keep proper hygiene in the bathrooms completely hygienic.

To do so, a good idea is to keep the dry and wet surfaces separated. The switchable privacy glass films are excellent ways to keep them dry and wet places separate while ensuring the privacy of the bath.  Instead of curtains, this is more hygienic.

Also, it tends to consume less space in comparison to cement walls. What more is that these are offer noise insulation. You can relax in the bathroom without worrying that people standing just outside would hear everything.

Cleaning will also become effective. You will not have to go the extra mile to ensure proper cleaning of the separation.

Nursing Stations

With these switchable privacy glasses, it is possible to create a comfortable working space for the nurses. After all, they are on the front, fighting the war against numerous diseases. They come in contact with numerous patients and their family members.

The privacy glass would not only ensure privacy but at the same time, it can control noise. Also, some smart glasses come with the antimicrobial feature. It means that this glass creates a natural infection control barrier.

Thus, ensuring the safety of every nurse working in the hospital.

Switchable Privacy Glass Film offers Safety

In addition to offering complete privacy to the health care providers as well as the patient, the privacy glass also ensures security. When you install a switchable privacy glass film on your windows, it makes it robust.

In case of an accident i.e., something hits the window and it breaks, the debris will not cause harm to the people present on the other side of the glass. The film would contain the debris. It would prevent it from hurting other people.

For more robustness, you can use the switchable privacy glass instead of the film. These smart glasses have the ability to withstand heat to a great extent. They are designed to stand put even in the blazing fire for almost 36 hours.

 Adds an Aesthetic Sense

One of the reasons people today are incorporating glass windows and glass panels is that it gives a modern feel. It gives the impression that the place is spacious. In addition, it makes a good first impression.

However, the glass also causes serious privacy issues. So, the best solution is to install the privacy glass film onto your glass windows and panels. Doing so would eliminate the privacy issue while retaining the overall modern look.

Additional Design Benefits

Another great thing about these smart films is that they come in different designs. So, you can add a bit of color of your hospital facility. Make it lively and attractive. Yes, it is a hospital, but it does not mean that it needs to be boring.

Real-Time Studies of Switchable Privacy Glass Film 

Two hospitals, St. Mary’s Paddington Hospital and Went Whales General Hospital implemented the switchable privacy glass and film in different parts of the hospital. For instance, the St. Mary’s Paddington Hospital installed smart glasses panels to prevent the spread of contagious superbugs.

The increased sterilization speed and reduced contamination resulted in resounding success for the hospital. It ensures easy cleaning and effective sanitization of the glass walls.

Went Whales General Hospital, on the other hand, constructed its new endoscopy and three-story theatre. Instead of using the regular curtain, they decided to implement the switchable privacy glass for more effective results.

Switchable Privacy Glass Film suppliers

Doing so guaranteed not only additional privacy, but also extremely easy cleaning. Maintaining separation and windows was also easy. They didn’t have to put in a lot of effort for the cleaning purpose.

To Sum It up

Switchable smart glass is the perfect solution or medical facility and hospital where cleanliness is imperative. These switchable films have unique properties that make it possible to install on any glass surface.

To know more about our switchable glass films, you can reach out to us.


The cost of different Switchable Privacy Glass | China 2020

How Much Does a Switchable Privacy Glass Cost?

When it comes to modernizing your home, what better way, then to incorporate large glass windows. Get the entire house in front of the glass. It would look sleek and stunning, offering you the amazing front view. However, it would also cause severe privacy issues. So, what are you to do? Fortunately, you have switchable privacy glass now.

Moreover, windows have a vital role in your home’s energy consumption. After all, they are the last defense against the scorching heat, the chilling winds and the freezing weather outside. Despite the fact that glass windows look great, but they lack the ability to provide insulation against the weather outside.

This can be troublesome especially if the entire front elevation is of glass, or you have big windows throughout your house. You would have to pay heed to the energy measurements as per the window’s specs.

Switchable Privacy Glass

Why Switchable Privacy Glass

There are several factors that require consideration due to windows in your house. For instance, the solar heat gains coefficient. It tells you about the amount of solar radiation that would enter your space via the window.

That is a good thing right, you would know the amount of heating passing through your window. But there is a catch. The problem is that the measurement is static. It would be the same around the year. In the winters you wouldn’t mind the cozy heating entering your house.

However, in summers, we are sure you would not want that. The heat would make it imperative for you to turn on the AC and keep in on. Thus, the increase in energy consumption. To make your house energy-efficient, building experts recommend using the switchable privacy glass for your windows.

Connect it to the Wi-Fi

A great thing about these switchable privacy glasses is; these glasses are equipped with environmental sensors. Once connected to the Wi-Fi, they have read the room occupancy, sunlight, weather and act accordingly.

So, if you require additional solar heat, the louvers would adjust the tints. Likewise, they would shade your house in case it is hot outside. So, this means, you will never have to reach out to adjust your shades again. Everything would be done smartly and timely.

The Downside

Although, the idea is great and it offers outstanding benefits. Yet, it has a downside, the cost. This switchable privacy glass does not come cheap at all. Most of the automated smart glass is 50 percent expensive in comparison to its non-automated counterparts.

So, if you are planning to invest it on several windows, you would need good capital. However, do bear in mind that installing these glasses would reduce the usage of energy by at least 20 percent. Thus, cutting your monthly bills significantly.

In short, we can say that these smart glasses are long-term investments.

Below is the break down of these smart switchable privacy glass that is available in the market.

Note: The prices mentioned are generic and are substitute to change.

Cost of the Switchable Privacy Glass

Some of the leading smart glass manufacturers in the industry create luxury glass products that come with Wi-Fi features. Everything types pf glass would cost you differently. In general, you would have to pay S50 to $100 per square foot. The price greatly depends upon the type of glass that you are planning to use.

Sonte Film Smart Glass

In case you are running low on budget, but you still want something similar to the smart glass for your home windows. We recommend you go with a more cost-effective solution, the Sonte Film’s smart window.

The product is also famous as the digital shade. It has the ability to fit onto any of your existing wall surfaces seamlessly. The great thing about it is that it comes with Wi-Fi integrated facility.

Of course, you can go with the one that does not offer Wi-fi. That would be way cheaper, but then, it won’t be automatic. It would be able to enjoy a smart glass from being completely transparent to different levels of opaqueness using a controller or your smartphone.

In general, the suppliers charge around $200 for a full-size sheet of a Sonte Film. The sheet size is 3.28by 3.28 feet.

Smart Tint Glass

Smart Tint glass is another smart film that offers all the perks of smart glass. There are two different variations of the smart tint glass available in the market. First is the self-adhesive smart film and second is the non-adhesive smart tint.

For the first type adheres directly to the window, whereas the second would require a double-table to fix it. In most cases, smart tint is AC connected. It can be tint between complete transparency to full opaqueness.

Another great thing about it that you can use it for projection as well. The price of the film greatly depends upon the surface area. In general, it would roughly cost your $650 or so dollars for a 31.75 by 49.75 inches window.

InvisiShade Smart Glass and Self-Adhesive Film

It is possible to control InvisiShade Smart Glass using either the remote or the switch. The great thing about these self-adhesive films and smart glass is that they offer variety in terms of styles and colors. So, if you are planning to stylish and color smart films, you can invest your money in InivisShade smart glass and self-adhesive films.

Instead of installing your window, you can upgrade your old ones into the digital surface via the plug and play adhesive film kits. With every kit, you will acquire the complete wiring system along with remote control.

You would have to pay somewhere between $99 to $249 for a three-pack self-adhesive film. However, in case you go with different shades and designs, the prices would vary. You would have to reach out to the respective supplier to learn more about their pricing strategy.

Factor Contributing To the Cost of Switchable Privacy Glass

There are different factors that you need to keep in mind while having a rough estimate of the pricing.

Number of Windows

It is but natural that the number of windows that you are planning to replace or incorporate would have a direct impact on the price.  The more window you replace with smart glass, the higher the price would go.

In addition, the technician would require additional time to replace the windows with a switchable privacy glass window or to paste the smart adhesive film on existing windows. In case, you are running low on budget, you can go with bunch replacement.

Meaning, instead of getting all the window replaced together, get them replaced one by one.

Smart Glass Type

In case you replace your windows with a smart glass window, it would cost you more in comparison to the smart adhesive films. Likewise, if you go with automated switchable privacy glass, it would cost you more instead of its non-automated counterpart.

The quality of the smart glass is another major factor defining the cost. A Lower quality glass film would be inexpensive; however, it would not yield the same results and might have a short shelf-life. It can work if you are looking for a temporary solution.

For the long term, we would recommend paying those extra few dollars to ensure the longevity of the glass or the adhesive film.

Space Occupied

How can we miss out on the most important factor, the window space? The amount of space that you plan to cover with the smart glass or the adhesive film would have a direct impact on the price. Greater space, higher the price.

Switchable Privacy Glass manufacturer

There is no other way round to it.

Reach out to Us

We have been dealing with switchable privacy glass and smart adhesive films for long enough to offer the best and at the lowest cost. We are your one-stop solution for all smart window problems. Reach out to us today, and we will aid you in every possible way.


Why Choose Adhesive Privacy window film over Static Cling

Low-Tack Adhesive Privacy Window Film Vs Static Cling

Choosing the right film for your windows requires search and analysis. After all, windows add elegance and style to your entire house. Since modern houses have huge windows, they need to have something that would ensure privacy. Thus, the debate of the low-tack Adhesive Privacy window film and the static cling.

We understand that choosing between the two films can be daunting, especially if you are not familiar with their basic concept. Of course, every film has its own advantages and disadvantages. Making yourself familiar with them would help you make a better decision.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss the differences along with the perks and disadvantages of both these films. So, without any further delay, let us get started!

Comparison of Low-Tack Adhesive Privacy Window Film and Static Cling

For starters, we are going to talk about the static cling film.

Adhesive Privacy window film

Definition of Static Cling 

Static cling window film is the vinyl material that you apply directly to the glass. The word “Cling” refers to that particular vinyl material. People use it as the alternate of the adhesive film.  In order to adhere to the surface, the Static Cling does not require electricity.

On the contrary, the installation process is extremely simple. The film is able to stick due to the highly plasticized thin vinyl.


When you press the film to the surface, it acts as a mini suction cup to the surfaces that have similar Cohesive force. Wondering what a Cohesive force is? It is the action properties of the molecules that stick together. These molecules need to be mutually attractive.

For effective results, we recommend using the static cling films on a non-porous and smooth surface. A good example is a glass display case or the windows in a building.

Advantages of the Static Cling Film

Below, we have listed the top advantages of the Static Cling Film.


Since the film is non-adhesive, thus it is easily removed after you apply it. If you take proper care during the removal process, you would be able to effectively reuse the film. The reusability factors make it ideal for rented properties or for people who tend to move frequently.

Easy handling

The film consists of a thicker material. You can either go with a 4-mil thick material or with the 8-mil thick material. The thickness depends greatly upon your requirement. Regardless of the thickness level you choose, handling the film is easy.

Doesn’t Require Additional Tools

To remove the static cling film, you really don’t need any additional tools or chemicals. Nor do you need special assistance. On the contrary, the removal process is extremely simple. All you need to do is slow slide it down.

Since you don’t apply chemicals onto the surface, it goes not to get damaged. Thus, having a longer shelf life.


Another great thing about these Static Cling films is that they are affordable. Therefore, anyone can use them for their windows including offices, homes, etc.

Privacy at its best

The static Cling windows offer a high level of privacy. Once you install them, people will not be able to see what is within the glass windows. These are extremely important for houses that incorporate big windows.

Disadvantages of Static Cling

Debris Accumulation

One of the major problems with static cling is that it has the potential for building up the debris. Thus, they can lead to their ability to stick on the surface you are planning to apply it to. In addition, even if the surface has some debris build-up, it would affect the sticking ability of the static cling.

Short Shelf Life

If you are looking for something permanent, then static cling shouldn’t be your first choice. The film’s suction will release over time, especially when you haven’t used it for a long time. This would result in plasticizers to relax, thus making the entire material useless.

Even the best companies are not able to offer a great shelf-life for static cling.

Environmental Disadvantage

The cling doesn’t have what it requires to stand up in extreme weather conditions. It will not perform efficiently at extremely cold temperatures, nor would it work well in high humidity environments. This is the reason, that the products placed in car windows or the freezer doors tend to droop over as time passes.

The environment around them takes o troll on their sticking ability. The exposure to climate would further decrease the shelf-life of the cling.

Not for Outdoors

To enhance the productivity level of the static cling film, you would have to limit its usage to indoor spaces. Try it on windows that have less contact with the sunlight outside. Or your windows that open in your lounge or similar places.

Printing Affecting the Cling Ability

Inks have a direct impact on the clinging ability of the Static Clingfilm. It would make it difficult for the decal to cling to your desired glass surface. Therefore, you need to bear this in mind, while you decide on the graphics.

One way to enhance the sticking ability is to consider the reverse printing of the image onto the surface.

Limited Surfaces

The Static Cling is unable to offer diversity in terms of surfaces. There are a limited number of surfaces that it would cling to properly including glass. Of course, you can try your luck without surfaces, but we are not very hopeful about your getting a positive outcome.

Low-Tack Adhesive Window Privacy Film

The low-tack adhesive window privacy film is sometimes referred to as the cling as well. Instead of using the suction technique, the film use adhesives that are pressure sensitive. These adhesives are responsible for the bounding of the film to the surface.

Industries, today have become more inclined towards using these films instead of the other techniques to ensure privacy and enhance the interior. Here, are some advantages that the film has to offer.

Advantages of Low-Tack Adhesive Window Privacy Film

Printing is Easy

With Adhesive Privacy Window Film, you have a great option in terms of design. After all, coating and printing on these films have no impact on their sticking quality. Unlike, the Static Cling, where printing would affect the clinging feature.

Easier Die Cutting

Something, die-cutting is imperative. You simply cannot go without it. In those cases, adhesive privacy film is superior among the two. It is extremely easy to die cut the film for effective results.

Surface Versatility

In terms of surface options, the adhesive is way ahead of the static cling. You can paste on number surfaces while having the same result as it would have on a glass surface. This is one of the major reasons for people to prefer it over the static cling.

Better Withstand Environmental Conditions

Static clings work best when installed indoor. However, windows are not always opening in your living rooms. On the contrary, the main purpose of the window is to let in the fresh air and the sunlight. Thus, it would have direct contact with the outside environment.

For this reason, adhesive films would yield better results. They have the ability to stand tall even in the worst environmental conditions.

Longer Shelf Life

Of course, the shelf life of the film is imperative especially when you are planning to install it on a permanent location. If you are not planning to take the film for another couple of years, it would stay put.

Something that lacks in with the static cling, where you would have to change it after a short period of time.


In general, people believe that static cling is cheaper in comparison to the adhesive Privacy Window. We can disagree to that. However, if you do not focus on the initial price, you would understand that adhesive offers value for your money.

Adhesive Privacy window film in china

Also, it is not expensive. You would be changing static cling ever year, if not 6 months. However, in the case of Adhesive privacy film, it would stand there for at least 5 to 7 years. Sum up the amount you would be investing in the static cling, and then do the math.

Disadvantages of Low-Tack Adhesive Window Privacy Film

The installation can be a little bit challenging. The material is thin and the thinner gauges further complicate the installation process.

It would be difficult to remove reuse or remove it in comparison to the static cling.